MTO Librarian Varus & Sister Palos 40k Rules Datasheets

New 40k rules are here for the MTO Librarian Varus and Sister Palos, and while the models are cool, the rules are fairly basic…

Remember these two models? They were supposed to be at Adepticon but because things were canceled, GW made them an MTO release. Now, you can check out the datasheet and booklet details from their kits if you’re interested.

MTO Librarian Varus & Sister Palos 40k Rules Datasheets

sister of battle MTO 2Sister Palos was marketed as a character (sculpted after this iconic artwork). But on the tabletop, she’s just a regular Sister of Battle. She probably makes for a great Sister Superior at the very least.

palosTaking a look at her datasheet from the instruction booklet, you can see that she’s just got a normal Battle Sister Squad profile. You also have a nice shot of the front and back of the model too.

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MTO Librarian Varus

space marine librarian mtoGW did the exact same thing for Librarian Varus. They marketed him as a named character. But on the tabletop, he’s just a normal Terminator Librarian.

varusThis guy is particularly special because he’s one of the only non-Primaris Space Marines we’ve seen GW release since 8th Edition. That’s over three years! He’s got a sweet pose and is perfect for adding a bit more flair to your army.

Also note, the datasheets on both of these models could be changing with their new 9th Edition codex. We’ve been seeing updates left and right for Space Marines in particular so we’ll have to see later this year if Librarians and Battle Sisters get tweaked as well.

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Did you manage to get your hands on both of these models? What do you use your Sister model for on the tabletop?

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