4 Different Ways To Paint Your Space Wolves Miniatures

By Rob Baer | September 25th, 2022 | Categories: How To Tutorial, Space Marines, Space Wolves, Warhammer 40k News

Space-wolves-paint-recipiesHere are four different painting tutorials for how to paint Space Wolves miniatures so you can get your army ready for Warhammer 40k!

Space Wolves for Warhammer 40k or Horus Heresy always look sweet and always make a splash into the meta when they get all-new rules. If you’re hobbying hard and getting your collection ready for the tabletop, you don’t want to miss these how-to-paint lineups of Space Wolves painting tutorials.

One of these Space Wolves recipes is sure to be just what you are looking for in a painting tutorial!

4. Painting Space Wolves & Unique Snow Base

snow base squidmarGet ready to stay cool with one of the best icy base tutorials ever! The Space Wolves homeworld is the inspiration for this diorama model painting tutorial. Click Here To Read More

3. How To Paint Pre-Heresy Space Wolves: TUTORIAL

how to paint pre-heresy space wolvesThis tutorial is geared around Horus Heresy Wolves. However, nothing is stopping you from using this same method on your Primaris Wolves, either! Click Here To Read More

2. Painting Space Wolves Grey, The Easy Way

kenny painting space wolvesWant a deeper, toned-down look for your Space Wolves? Take a look at this great way to paint them and have your Vlka Fenryka looking amazing! Click Here To Read More

1. Vlka Fenryka: Space Wolves Blue-Grey

space wolves painting guideLove Space Wolves, but don’t know where to start painting their signature blue-grey armor? Check out our tips on how to get those puppies looking good! Click here To Read More

Hopefully, there are enough  color options in these painting tutorials for you to get your Space Wolves to the tabletop

How do you like to paint Space Wolves, and what is your favorite painting tutorial out there?