How To Paint Pre-Heresy Space Wolves: TUTORIAL

By Zeb Barrett | November 3rd, 2016 | Categories: Horus Heresy, How To Tutorial, painting miniatures, Videos

how to paint pre-heresy space wolves

Need a little guidance on painting your new Pre-Heresy Space Wolves from the Burning of Prospero box set? Then we have just the thing for you!

With the Burning of Prospero fresh on everyone’s minds, Warhammer TV has brought us a great painting tutorial to help out!

how to paint pre-heresy space wolves

First a nice coat of Mechanicus Standard Grey is applied to the entire model, making sure that none of the black undercoat is showing through.

how to paint pre-heresy space wolves

Now a coat of Dawnstone is applied all over to build up the color of the armour.

how to paint pre-heresy space wolves

To add some depth to the armour, Agrax Earthshade is added in all of the recesses to give the armour some depth and really make the details pop.

how to paint pre-heresy space wolves

For the highlights on the armour, Administratum Grey is applied to all of the edges.

how to paint pre-heresy space wolves

All of the gold trim on the armour is base coated with Balthasar Gold, washed in Agrax Earthshade and then finally highlighted with Sycorax Bronze to really make it pop.

There are many more steps in painting Space Wolves so make sure you check out this whole video and find out how Duncan does it.

Head over to Warhammer TV to get many other great painting tutorials on all the latest Games Workshop miniatures!

Also be sure to checkout the fantastic new Burning of Prospero Paint Guide as well, for some great step by step tutorials!