New Cradol & Canuckmera Minis from Creature Caster!

Feature Creature Caster rThe new Cradol & Canuckmera miniatures from Creature Caster are on pre-order now for a limited time. Let’s take a closer look!

First up, the Cradol is going to be their first mini for Judgement 2.0. If you want to see more about the pairing, check it out here. The other mini coming up is the Canuckmera, which is going to be the first in their annual Chimera creations. So already, we have two pretty fun reasons for these minis coming into existence!

Creature Caster really has an amazing line-up coming, including these two and the incredibly massive Necromancer Dragon! If you love amazing minis, you need to check them out, because they constantly come out with some of the highest quality minis on the market. For now, let’s jump into these two new minis!


Judgement mini


Creature Caster Mini detail


Creature Caster Mini

With Creature Caster joining up with Judgement, you will now have a dedicated game to use their minis in! Also, because of the new deal, they are sending out this in two sizes for the price of one! Just to note, this goes on preorder Nov. 27th. Let’s hear what they have to say about this mini:

What is Judgement Version 2.0?  Slated for release in 2021, Judgement Version 2.0 is the evolution of a fun and engaging skirmish game based on the wildly popular MOBA (multiplayer online battle arena) game genre.  

Cradol the Shadow Hunter is hand-cast in pure, unfilled resin. 
Both model sizes are included in this kit for a Limited Time Only. 


Canuckmera 2


Canuckmera 3


CanuckmeraThis thing is just insanely awesome! If you’ve been looking for an insane beast to add to your collection, this has to be it! Let’s hear what they have to say about it:

The Canuckmera is Creature Caster’s first chimeric creation, but thanks to all your support it won’t be the last. With the continued collaboration of the Creature Caster Community, our scientific experiments will move forward…

The Canuckmera is hand-cast in pure, unfilled resin. It comes with a choice of 50mm or 60mm round base and has a height of 110mm from the bottom of his scenic base to top of his monstrous horns.

That does it for these two amazing minis! Keep your eyes peeled and get ready to hop on the preorder!

Get Your Cradol & Canuckmera Minis Here!