Hidden In Plain Sight: New 40k Thousands Sons Combat Patrol Box

thousands-sons-codex-no-titleIf you’re building a Thousand Sons 40k army, it’s probably worth taking a look at the possible contents of a new Combat Patrol box, and what the overall value could be!

These are designed for new players to the factions just like the current Start Collecting Sets that GW introduced back in 2016. They are being marketed as a quick way to get a small force on the table and playing some small games right away. Most of the time the starter-style kits are a pretty good value, so even if you have some minis already, this could be a decent value.

Take a little salt with this one, because while we see what appears to be a new Combat Patrol in the codex, it may end up being different than what was pictured (just like with the Necrons and Space Marines).

Ork Combat Patrol (1)

Whereas the Sisters of Battle codex was the exact same as the picture, and we have yet to see the Orks one that is pictured above.

We’re 1-2 at this point on Combat Patrols released versus how they were pictured in their respective codex books, which is not a good trend so far.

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With that said, let’s get into the value!

Rumors: Thousand Sons Combat Patrol Box: $140 (Rumored)

Thousand Sons Combat patrol rAgain, we’re not so sure if this will be the box for two reasons, one, it’s basically Hexfire minus a Tzaangor Shaman and the Infernal Master is in there. Which we expect them to release by themselves. With that said though, GW has reboxed releases before, so it’s definitely possible.

We’re looking at you Sisters of Battle Combat Patrol / Army Box.

Plus, the value isn’t crazy, so with the longest caveat of all time, let’s check out the value.

  • Scarab Occult Terminators $60
  • 20 Tzaangors $88
  • Infernal Master $40 (based on the fact it is an entire sprue and similar sized characters like Ahriman go for $40)

Total MSRP $188

Total Value $44

As we said, the value isn’t too crazy in this box, but you would basically get the Infernal Master for free.  Plus it is also really close to the estimated value for the Grey Knights combat patrol box as well which is interesting if this turns out to be the new value for these boxes.

So, we’ll just have to wait and see what the box ends up looking like. We just hope they add in more than this.

Do you like the minis included? Do you think this will be the actual box?

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