How to Play Age of Sigmar Bonesplitterz: 2,000 Points

how-to-play-age-of-sigmar-BonesplitterzToday we touch on how to play Age of Sigmar Bonesplitterz with some 2,000 point Army lists and break down the new battletome.

We have covered two of the four different sub-factions already with Kruleboyz here and the Ironjawz here. Today we are going to cover the Bonesplitterz, before finishing up with the Big WAAAAGH next week. With that being said let’s get into it!

How to Play Age of Sigmar Bonesplitterz: 2,000 Points

All the Orruck Warclans Models Avaialble

Starting out with the rules that apply to all Bonesplitters:

  • Pick one of three sub-factions: Bonegrinz (Add 1 to Attacks of missile weapons from Savage Orruk Arrowboys), Icebone (Unmodified Wound rolls of 6 from melee weapons do mortal wounds equal to their damage and the attack sequence ends), or the Drakkfoot (Ward saves cannot be used for mortal wounds caused by this faction).
  • All Bonesplitterz have a ward save of 6+
  • Once per battle in the combat phase if your general is still alive you can give all Bonesplitterz units a 4+ ward save instead of 6+ until the end of the combat phase.
  • If a melee attack from a unit with 5 or more models has an unmodified hit roll of 6 it deals 2 hits instead of 1.
  • After deployment but before the first battle round you can move half your Bonesplitterz units up to 5” each before the game begins.
  • Unique command abilities, spells, and artifacts.


sigmar orruksStarting out with the Bonegrinz and build out an army for these guys:

  • Wurrgog Prophet: Leader 1 of 6: 150 Points
  • Wurrgog Prophet: Leader 2 of 6: 150 Points
  • Wurrgog Prophet: Leader 3 of 6: 150 Points
  • Wardokk: Leader 4 of 6: 80 Points
  • 30 Savage Orruk Arrowboys: Battleline 1 of 3: 435 Points
  • 30 Savage Orruk Arrowboys: Battleline 2 of 3: 435 Points
  • 10 Savage Orruks: Battleline 3 of 3: 165 Points
  • Rouge Idol: Behemoth 1 of 4: 430 Points
  • Total 1995 Points

This is a neat army that is going to rely on the magic and shooting phase to dish out most of your damage. You will have a whopping 7 spells you can cast and then get so many shots with your Arrow Boyz that hopefully, you can nuke threats that approach you. Use the Savage Orruks as an objective grabber or roadblock for your opponent and the Rogue Idol can be a sticky tar pit as well.

If I was making this list I would consider doing Battle Regiment for a two-drop army so that I could decide who takes the first turn. This would play well if you are able to make your opponent go first making them either come into range of your shooting and magic or they will play defensively.

For magic, you will get to select all the spells as there are only 4 spells for Lore of the Savage Beast. The Glowy Green Tusks though is useless for you so you could swap it out for a fire weapon from the core rules. I would give my general the Voice of Da Great Green God extending their command range, and then either Glowin’ Tattooz to add to my ward save rolls or if I knew I was fighting a lot of enemy monsters Mork’s Boney Bitz to get those bonuses to casting.


Orruks feature rNext up, we switch gears from the shooty army to one that is melee dependent with the Icebone:

  • Savage Big Boss: Leader 1 of 6: 65 Points
  • Maniak Weirdnob: Leader 2 of 6: 100 Points
  • Maniak Weirdnob: Leader 3 of 6: 100 Points
  • Maniak Weirdnob: Leader 4 of 6: 100 Points
  • Wurrgog Prophet: Leader 5 of 6: 150 Points
  • 10 Savage Boarboys: Battleline 1 of 3: 280 Points
  • 10 Savage Boarboys: Battleline 2 of 3: 280 Points
  • 30 Savage Orruks: Battleline 3 of 3: 495 Points
  • Rogue Idol: Behemoth 1 of 4: 430 Points
  • Total 2000 Points

This is a fun army where you’re looking to charge face-first into your opponent and hit them with as many attacks as you can and fish for 6’s to wound to dish out those mortal wounds. You have a lot of support with 5 spells you can cast to buff your troops or dish out some wounds into your opponent. Just be sure you can survive your opponent’s counterattack with the force cause your armor is lacking.

For this list, I would consider the Orruk Battalion Bonesplitterz Rukk and Vanguard letting you use at the double or forward tow victory on your two Boarboys units free of cost. Then doing Command Entourage and taking a bonus enchantment. You will be able to take all the Lore of Savage Beasts spells with Glowy Green Tusks being much better in this list. For my artifacts, I would take Great Hunter with my savage big boss, then take the Glowin’ Tatooz and Mork’s boney Bitz.


New Savage Orruk featureFinally, let’s dig into the Drakkfoot army which has a very powerful ability:

  • Savage Big Boss: Leader 1 of 6: 65 Points
  • Wurrgog Prophet: Leader 2 of 6: 150 Points
  • Wardokk: Leader 3 of 6: 80 Points
  • 30 Savage Orruk Morboys: Battleline 1 of 3: 465 Points
  • 20 Savage Orruk Morboys: Battleline 2 of 3: 310 Points
  • 20 Savage Orruk Morboys: Battleline 3 of 3: 310 Points
  • Savage Big Stabbas: 80 Points
  • Savage Big Stabbas: 80 Points
  • Rogue Idol: Behemoth 1 of 4: 430 Points
  • Total 1970 Points

This is an army that is putting out a ton of attacks which if they get through ignore ward saves so that is a huge deal against hero and monster characters. However, they do lack rend so that can be an issue if you are going against a unit with a good saving value.

Only two casters in this list so I would take Gorkamorka’s War Cry and Power of the Were-boar to buff your units of Morboys. Then I would take Bonesplitterz Rukk and Vanguard to get forward to Victory or At the Double for free once per game for two of your Savage Orruk Morboys units. For enhancements, I would select Great Hunter for my Savage Big Boss and Glowin’ Tattooz.

There you have it 3 different armies for the 3 different Bonesplitterz sub-factions, I will say if I was playing one competitively the Bonegrinz is probably the best with the shooting and magic. Though the Iceborne seems like the most fun with the boars and fishing for mortal wounds.

Don’t forget to check out the other sub-faction army lists and breakdowns below for the Orruk Warclans battletome as well!

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