All The New 40k Black Templars & Forge World New Releases

new-black-templars-releasesHere are all the Warhammer 40k Black Templars wave two new releases, along with Forge World and even some Black Library!

We’ve seen most of these models for a while, but they are finally on pre-order now. Check out GW’s Black Friday offerings and get those hobby dollars ready if you want any of these new Black Templars!

All the 40k Black Templars New Releases

Unexpectedly, all of these Black Templars releases had two-week pre-orders, meaning we had twice as long to order them before the release on Black Friday Weekend!

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The Army Box is still available on the secondary market, so if you missed it the first time around, it may not be too late to find one still.

40k Black Templars Army Box

Get yours for less on Amazon, Dicehead Games, or eBay 

Black Templars Army Box Revealed gencon army shot

Here’s the box we’ll be looking at today. It comes with 13 minis and 12 of them are new. Unfortunately, the value isn’t super high in this one.


The cool thing about this set was that they allowed stores to get as many as they wanted, and they said they would have put it to MTO for people when they ran out of initial stock.

However, they didn’t sell through all their stock and never even had to MTO it. If you want to see how the pre-orders flopped you can check that out here.

The Army Set contains 13 miniatures, including 12 new Black Templars – a Marshal, the Emperor’s Champion, and a 10-man Primaris Crusader Squad with a ton of build options. You’ll also get a Redemptor Dreadnought, for targets that require a more forceful elimination.

  • Primaris Crusader Squad $60 
  • Redemptor Dreadnought $65 (existing kit)
  • Emperor’s Champion $35 
  • Marshal $35 
  • Codex:$30 (not really a limited edition because of production numbers & resale price)
  • Datacards: $25

Total MSRP: $255

Estimated Value: $50

High Marshal Helbrecht $45

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High Marshal Helbrecht


High Marshal Helbrecht sprue 1


High Marshal Helbrecht sprue 2

Helbrecht rouses the Black Templars who fight alongside him to great feats of valour, turning the battlefield around him into a bloody melee. High Marshal Helbrecht can be built with a choice of three different heads – two unhelmeted – and an optional impaled Ork at his feet.

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The kit is comprised of 39 plastic components, with which you can assemble one High Marshal Helbrecht, and is supplied with one Citadel 60mm round base.

High Chaplain Grimaldus and Retinue $45

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High Chaplain Grimaldus and Retinue


Chaplain Grimaldus & Retinue sprue 1


Chaplain Grimaldus & Retinue sprue 2

Armed with a plasma pistol and artificer crozius, Grimaldus strides into combat to smite enemy psykers. He is accompanied by a procession of servitors who inspire the Black Templars to ever more impressive acts of heroism and devotion to secure the Emperor’s favour.

The kit is comprised of 40 plastic components, with which you can assemble one Chaplain Grimaldus and his three Cenobyte Servitors, and is supplied with one Citadel 40mm round base and three Citadel 28mm round bases.

Emperor’s Champion $35

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Emperor’s Champion


Emperor's Champion sprue

Wreathed in golden light, these implacable warriors can shrug off countless wounds and, in return, strike down innumerable foes. Their holy wargear is held in the Reclusiam of the Black Templars, and should the Champion falter and fall, crusades are launched to recover these sacred armaments.

The kit is comprised of 13 plastic components, with which you can assemble one Emperor’s Champion, and is supplied with one Citadel 40mm round base.

Marshal $35

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Black Templars Marshal sprue

Armed with a choice of a power sword or power axe and a plasma pistol or auto-flamer, this mighty warrior is an ideal HQ choice. You can also choose between two heads for this marshal – both are unhelmeted, one wearing a rebreather while the other wears a circlet crown.

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The kit is comprised of 23 plastic components, with which you can assemble one Black Templar Marshal, and is supplied with one Citadel 40mm round base.

Castellan $35

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Black Templars Castellan sprue

Based on an iconic piece of Black Templars artwork by John Blanche, this Castellan brings the firepower-enhancing effects of a lieutenant to the battlefield in a unique style. Covered with effigies of skulls, wielding a combi-flamer and master-crafted power axe, this distinctive miniature is the perfect way to add some retro flavour to your Black Templars force.

This kit is comprised of nine plastic complements, with which you can assemble one Castellan, and is supplied with one Citadel 40mm round base.

Primaris Crusader Squad $60

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Primaris Crusader Squad


Primaris Crusader Squad sprue 1


Primaris Crusader Squad sprue 2

The kit is comprised of 228 plastic components, with which you can assemble Primaris Crusader Squad, containing six Primaris Initiates and four Neophytes with a choice of weapon options. Alternatively one Primaris Initiate can be built as a Sword Brother.

Sword Brethren Squad $55

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Sword Brethren Squad


Black Templars Sword Brethren sprue 1


Black Templars Sword Brethren sprue 2


Black Templars Sword Brethren sprue 3


The kit is comprised of 149 plastic components, with which you can assemble five Sword Brethren, and is supplied with five Citadel 40mm round bases.

Codex Supplement: Black Templars $30 (Collector’s $65)

Get Yours For Less From Dicehead Games

Codex Supplement Black Templars

Inside this codex supplement, you’ll find 80-pages covering everything you need to continue your eternal quest, plus a hefty selection of lore and art to inspire your own collection. The book includes:

– The history of the Black Templars, exploring their countless crusades in the Emperor’s name
– A detailed description of non-Codex-compliant Chapter organisation, including how they operate in aspects of recruitment, organisation, and military doctrine
– A rundown of the background details for every zealous unit and pious Character
– A showcase of stunningly painted Citadel miniatures
– Rules for units that are only available to the Black Templars – including six datasheets
– Bespoke Stratagems, four unique Templars Vows – each including a Vow and a Passion – and rules for Relics and Relic Bearers, representing the esoteric ways in which the Black Templars wage war
– Characterful Crusade rules providing new Agendas, Requisitions, and Battle Traits for the Black Templars, plus rules for Oaths of Crusade and Reclaimed Relics
– And more!

You will need a copy of Codex: Space Marines and the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook to use the rules included in this codex supplement.

Black Templars Upgrades & Transfers $35

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Black Templars Upgrades and Transfers

Designed to let you add greater variety to your Crusader Squads with a range of heads, weapons, and wargear, this set also comes with a multi-melta for a vehicle of your choice, six powerful Relics with which to equip your Relic Bearers, and a range of sculpted shoulder pads.

Dice $35 & Datacards $15

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Dice and Datacards


Space Marine Chaplain $35 (GW Web Exclusive)

Space Marine Chaplain

Armed with a bolt pistol and the sacred crozius arcanum, a Chaplain can lead your armies and issue devout litanies to empower his allies. Choose to build your Chaplain with either a grim death mask or a bionically augmented unhelmeted head.

This kit is comprised of nine plastic components, with which you can assemble one Space Marine Chaplain, and is supplied with one Citadel scenic round base.

Black Templar Combat Patrol $140

Get Yours For Less From Dicehead Games

combat patrol black templars

The contents of the Black Templar Combat Patrol are pretty useful for either veteran players or novice alike of the selection of core units inside. 

Let’s get into the value (updated to remove a typo)

  • 5 man Primaris Combat Squad $35 ($60 for 10)
  • 10 Man Crusader Squad $60 
  • Black Templars Marshal $35
  • Impulsor Kit $75 
  • Upgrade Sprue kit x1 $35 

Total MSRP: $240

Total Value: $100

From this, the value seems to be lining up with what we would normally expect to see from a Combat Patrol Box offering.

Now there are also some new MTO, Forge World and Black Library releases as well!

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Holga Clovenhorn $35 (MTO until November 28th)

Holga clovenhorn

In these ranks, Holga Clovenhorn stands defiant, armed with a brutal spiked mace. Her name reflects the shattered horn – one of a pair bestowed upon her by the dark gods, along with the twisted shield she wears on her back. Holga is clad in the armour of the Slaves to Darkness and as such can stand in as a Chaos Warrior, an Exalted Hero of Chaos, or a Chaos Lord, should you wish.

The kit is comprised of 5 plastic components, with which you can assemble one Holga Clovenhorn, and is supplied with one Citadel 32mm base. This miniature is supplied unpainted and requires assembly

Black library banner new

Urdesh: The Magister and The Martyr $27

Urdesh The Magister and The Martyr

Saint Sabbat has brought a miracle to the war-torn city of Ghereppan, but one battle is not the war. The voice of Magister Sek still haunts the Imperial forces, defying their victory, mocking their faith.

Between the trickery of the Archenemy and the mercurial visions of the Saint, the Space Marines of Damocles Squad must find the truth: is this their one chance for a final victory on Urdesh, or is it a trap that could destroy them all?         
Written by Matthew Farrer

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Let’s start with the new Necromunda releases that are on pre-order now, then look at the releases that are now available.

Necromunda banner

Van Saar Champions in Mesh and Flak Armour: $33 Pre-Order

Van Saar Champions in Mesh and Flak Armour

Bringing a mix of devastating firepower, tactical expertise, and esoteric technology to the battlefield, this kit contains two Van Saar Champions – one armed with a lasgun, the other with a las sub-carbine and a servo-claw. One is wearing mesh armour and the other flak armor, which can be used as an Augmek and an Archeotek in games of Necromunda.


Van Saar Champions in Mesh and Flak Armour detail

The kit is comprised of 17 components, with which you can assemble two Van Saar Champions, and is supplied with 2x 25mm Citadel Necromunda Bases.

Van Saar Champion in Carapace Armour with Cyberachnids: $41 Pre-Order

Van Saar Champion in Carapace Armour with Cyberachnids

This highly detailed resin kit is comprised of 36 components, with which you can assemble one Van Saar Augmek and three Cyberachnids, and is supplied with one 25mm Citadel Necromunda base, and 3x 32mm Citadel Necromunda bases.

van-saar-champion-with-cyberachnids details

Rules for using the Van Saar Champion in Carapace Armour with Cyberachnids in your games of Necromunda can be found in The House of Artifice.

Van Saar Arachni-rig: $58 Pre-Order

van saar Arachni-rig

Bringing devastating firepower and heavy armour to the hives of Necromunda, Arachni-rigs are the perfect addition to any Van Saar gang with the credits to spare. This kit contains one Van Saar Arachni-rig that can be equipped with your choice of light or heavy carapace armour. It is equipped with four servo-arms, one of which can be replaced by a rad gun, and one which can be replaced by a plasma gun.

Van Saar Arachni-rig details fw

The kit is comprised of 20 resin components, with which you can assemble one Van Saar Arachni-rig, and is supplied with 40mm Citadel Necromunda base.

Rules for using the Van Saar Arachni-rig in your games of Necromunda can be found in The House of Artifice.

Now let’s jump into the orders available now!

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Book 3: Extermination and Book 7: Inferno: $78 Each

book 3 book 7 horus heresy

You may remember these Horus Heresy books from a recent Sunday Preview, but unfortunately they ran into delays (a galaxy-spanning civil war can cause its share of logistical disruption, we suppose). These two tomes – Book 3: Extermination and Book 7: Inferno – are now coming to pre-order as planned.

Containing a bunch of rules and lore, these Horus Heresy Books are a great pick up for anyone interested in lore or playing 30k.

BLood Bowl banner

Lizardmen Kroxigor: $39

kroxigor blood bowl

Add some raw strength to the speed and skill of your Lizardman team with a mighty Kroxigor. They’ll smash through any player foolish enough to try and stand in their way on the Line of Scrimmage.

kroxigor details

This highly detailed 11-part kit makes one Kroxigor model and is supplied with one 40mm Citadel Round base.

That’s it for everything that is available now, or fresh to pre-order. Vote with your hobby dollars today!

All the Newest GW Model Previews For November & Beyond

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