New Adeptus Custodes Rules Shield Hosts & Captain-Commanders

new-custodes-rules-40k-adeptus-codex-warhammerDon’t miss all the new Shield Hosts & Captain-Commander 40k rules for the updated Adeptus Custodes Warhammer 40k codex.

With the Adeptus Custodes Codex in hobbyists’ hands and rules previews aplenty from Games Workshop, we can get a better picture of what all the new rules are looking like for defenders of the Emporer.  

These unique faction rules are collected from all the following reviews on YouTube, and Warhammer Community alike, so be sure to watch your favorite presenters talk about their take on the book at the links below!

Codex Adeptus Custodes

If you are curious about the recent Custodes vs GSC Army box itself, you can check the contents and values here.

New Adeptus Custodes 40k Rules Shield Hosts

custodes shield host

Shield Hosts, if you didn’t know, function very similarly to sub-factions, meaning your detachments will align themselves with one of the Shield Hosts and gain exclusive benefits that are tied to it!

Each Host has a preferred Ka’tah, which unlocks additional benefits. If you activate one stance of your Shield Host’s preferred Martial Ka’tah in the command phase, you get the benefit of both stances. The stance you didn’t pick may then be used in the next turn – which makes for a potent two-turn combo.

This can really give your army a big swing turn where you combine the two stances. Then, you can still advance it next turn if you need.

Emperor’s Chosen Shield Host Rules

Emperor's Chosen

The Magna Imperator fighting style has two great traits.  Both of these are really strong. First, re-rolling hits or wounds is always going to be a powerful mechanic. Then, getting a 4+ save against all mortals is nice, especially when you have such few minis.

Probably the default shield host we will see going forward, these saves conferring to Dreadnoughts is just hugely powerful, not to mention the rest of the army as well.

As for the other options, An upgraded spear is always nice, but the Warlord trait seems very good. With such an elite force, extra attack counts are super important as chaff will usually be the hardest thing to deal with if you don’t have enough shots or attacks.

Shadowkeepers Adeptus Custodes Shield Host Rules


The Wardens of the Dark Cells fighting style also looks pretty good but is a little more specialized. Subtracting 1 from attacks from nearby enemies can be extremely powerful, however, if an 8 attack unit goes to 7, it’s not that much of a difference totals-wise. Similarly, if a ranged unit with no melee weapon goes from 2 to 1, they probably weren’t going to do damage anyways! The best case is most likely for low attack count, high damage melee units, like a space marine with a thunder hammer. Secondly, bonuses to wounding characters are nice, but it depends on what faction you play against as some desperately want to protect their characters, and others don’t mind at all when they die.

Both the Relic and Warlord Trait for this host seems very strong! Each one allows you to effectively neuter a powerhouse melee character by forcing them to attack last or preventing any invulnerable save from being used, allowing you to kill them easier and prevent them from attacking back (if you do kill them first).

Dead Host Shield Host

dread host

The Dread Host is another great close-range option. Their Instruments of the Emperor’s Wraith fighting style is pretty decent with a bonus to AP when within 9″ of the target and having full re-rollable charges making them a good middle ground for a melee-focused force that need to get into melee.

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The rest of the options are decent, but nothing too flashy.

Aquilan Shield: Adeptus Custodes Shield Host Rules

aquilan shield

Aquilan Shield gets access to a super unique trait in their Gilded Guardians fighting style. We saw rumors about the entire army being able to Heroically Intervene, but this is pretty close so we’ll give the rumor a thumbs up. Then they gain some decent defense against small arms fire.

Shield host Rules 4Pick this shield host when you absolutely, positively, want an enemy force incredibly dead.

Giving core units heroic intervention completely changes the dynamic of opponents ever trying to charge you.  The warlord trait option is also pretty great, halving all the damage that warlord would take.

Shield host Rules 5

And that’s not all. Each Shield Host has its own stratagem, such as the Aquilan Shield Host’s ability to close ranks around vulnerable characters – perfect for keeping those slightly squishier Sisters of Silence characters alive.

For 1 CP, keeping your characters alive isn’t too bad.

Solar Watch Shield Host Rules

Solar Watch

Solar Watch‘s Talon Sortie is all about movement and mobility gaining plus 1 to advance and charge rolls, even gaining +1 to movement if the unit has an Implacable Vanguard.

Shield host Rules 6

The Warlord trait could really take your opponent by surprise because you can cover a ton of ground and still charge. Even though it’s one unit, it’s still pretty strong.

Shield host Rules 7

The relic on the other hand is nice with their falling back, shooting, and charging in the same turn really gives you a ton of flexibility.

Emissaries Imperatus Shield Host Rules

Emissaries Imperatus

Emissaries Imperatus get Heralds of the Throne giving them fight first ability and allowing them to ignore any hit and wound roll modifiers they wish.

As for their other options, Halo of the Torchbearer seems like an interesting choice giving you access to some “free” mortal wound damage output each fight phase.

Adeptus Custodes 40k Rules Captain Commander

captain commander

Getting into the new Captain Commander rules for the Adeptus Custodes there will be three selections for each HQ type.

Being able to upgrade your Adeptus Custodes HQ models to a Captain Commander with new rules makes them feel even more toolbox-y fitting whatever you need out of them. The extra customization helps each new list really feel like your own.

guardian captain commander

Being able to use rules like this on both a character like a Shield-Captain, and Adeptus Custodes core unit make this possibly quite strong. We’ll have to see how the other characters can really benefit from this.

captain commander rules

A Captain-Commander, however, can make nearby units even stronger by eliminating the need to choose from the two stances of a particular ka’tah.

allarus captain commander

Unstoppable Destroyer allows the captain to intervene or pile in any direction will let them get to whoever you want and with the extra move, you’ll be able to pull off some cheeky maneuvers.

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Defiant to the Last makes it so you’ll want him to take at least one wound to get the extra attack, then if he gets close to death, you’ll be gaining two attacks which for a Captain-Commander is super strong.

vertus captain commander

Fierce Conqueror makes it so you’ll want to get him stuck in with at least 6 models, as you’ll be getting 8 attacks hitting on 2’s, with super high strength and serious damage!

Tip of the Spear gives you re-rolls to all your ones in combat and is seriously strong, especially considering you already hit on 2’s.

Here’s all the latest on the Adeptus Custodes 9th Edition rules updates and points changes for Warhammer 40k

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