New Space Marines Army of Renown 40k Rules Revealed

vigilus-alone-new-space-marines-rules-nachmundGW revealed some of the new Space Marines Army of Renown 40k rules from Warzone Nachmund: Vigilus Alone campaign book!

The first season of Warhammer 40k is already kicking off with a bang in 2022 as there will be a campaign book, a Crusade book, and the two Chapter Approved books. Not to mention a new Kill Team Box Games Workshop teased as well.

They also stated the seasons will last 6 months each, meaning in another 6 months, another round of balance changes and new supplements will be on the way…

Warhammer Community announced that Space Marines will be the new Army of Renown in the book, with the Vanguard Spearhead Army, along with a codex supplement for the Sisters of Battle.

Space Marines Get New Army of Renown Rules in Vigilus Alone

warzone nachmund

First of all, they’re composed entirely of units with the Phobos, Suppressor Squad, Invictor Tactical Warsuit, and Impulsor keywords. Namely fast, sneaky units. On top of that, Incursor, Infiltrator, and Reiver Squads all gain Objective Secured, as they’re the core of your force. This is a novel way to play an army of Adeptus Astartes, who aren’t usually so well known for their stealth tactics, adding a whole new dimension to your chosen Chapter.

This is a very interesting idea to the army and it looks like the downside is you will only be able to take those units. However, it would make for a really cool army.

Primaris Lieutenant in Phobos Armour

Second, Vanguard Spearhead armies are built to be more mobile, harder to hit, and deadlier when they’re on the move, thanks to the Vanguard Operations abilities. Your units count as being in light cover if they’re more than 18″ away, and they even get a bonus on hit rolls when firing from the hip. Plus, 6″ consolidation moves! You’ll feel like you’re commanding an elite unit of crack hit-and-run specialists.

A 6″ consolidation is pretty insane for your whole army. And then maybe no minuses for advancing, either way, both feel pretty strong. Then, you’ll also get light cover anytime you are over 18″ away, so some pretty nice rules right off the bat.


Space Marines Army of Renown

As if those special rules weren’t enough, your Vanguard Spearhead has their own set of Relics and Stratagems. To represent specialised equipment you won’t find anywhere else. If you ever wondered how Reiver units gained their reputation for terror. Take a look at this chilling Morbidus Bolts Relic. 

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Pretty interesting overall but not sure how much play this will see as a relic.

Space Marines Army of Renown 2

Or perhaps you fancy your warlord a silent killer, striking from the shadows? Equip them with the Armour Umbral and your opponents won’t even know what hit them.

This is pretty sweet as you will be much harder to kill and can advance and charge in.

New stratagems

Space Marines Army of Renown 3

Your Infiltrator squads can be equipped with explosives to unlock this handy Stratagem. Your opponent might think twice about trying to tie them up with their tanks and big beasts.

For one CP it’s never a bad thing to do Mortal Wounds, especially since it’s when you’re falling back.

Space Marines Army of Renown 4

Incursor units in a Vanguard Spearhead can be given a Marksman Target-Tracker. Which allows them to show off what those bolt carbines can do in the right hands with this lethal Stratagem.

You can try and kill enemy characters no matter how many enemy units are around with this, perfect for sniping out those annoying characters.

Here’s all the latest on the upcoming rules updates and points changes for Warhammer 40k.

All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews

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