RUMORS: Eldar Aspect Warriors 40k Codex Rules

New Eldar Aspect Warriors 40k Codex rules rumors for Howling Banshees, Dark Reapers, Shining Spears, and Swooping Hawks are looking good!

With the book so close, you know the leaks are going to keep coming. Obviously, these are rumors, but they come from a very reliable source on the Aeldari Discord. Still, all rumors need to be taken with a grain of salt.

Let’s get right into the rumors because there is so much to go over!

RUMORS 40k Eldar Aspect Warriors Rules: Howling Banshees

Eldar RulesWe’ve seen a decent number of Eldar Aspect Warriors 40k Codex rules for the Howling Banshees as well, so we’ll check them out below in a minute.

But most importantly, they will be S4 with their Banshee Blades and -4 AP. Then, on the turn they charge, they get +1 to wound meaning they will be wounding all Marine equivalents on a 3+, pretty sweet. Not to mention they get 3 attacks each!

40k Eldar Howling Banshees Abilities Revealed!

Aspect RulesWe’ve pretty much seen this in a few of the posts, still, getting a 5+ Invuln save on all the Aspect Warriors is pretty sweet.

Howling Banshee rules

These ritual war helms are equipped with psychosonic amplifiers, which augment the wearer’s battle cry into a harrowing aural assault. The shriek-that-kills disorientates and paralyses the enemy, even causing lasting damage to their nervous system.* Put simply, targets of a charge cannot fire Overwatch or Set to Defend – presumably too agonised trying to muffle the caterwauling.

This is a pretty classic ability, so it’s nice to see it make a comeback!

Howling Banshee rules 2

Whirling Death makes these dynamic warriors even more potent on the charge – with their Banshee blades bringing their attacks up to Strength 4, they’ll be wounding even Space Marines on a roll of 3+, and utterly shredding through ceramite. Not too shabby for a unit that already has three attacks per model.

With S4 and the +1 to wound, they should be wounding most units on a 3 or 2 a turn they charge. Meaning you might actually get way more wounds through than ever before. Plus, as long as they keep decent AP, they will really dish out the damage!

Then, on top of that, the enemy will be at -1 to hit them and striking last, so they should be much more survivable than ever before as well.

Shining Spears Eldar Aspect Warriors 40k Codex Rules

Shining Spears

Their statline isn’t bad at all and with the 3+ save, let’s hope they can survive some shooting. The Star lance is just like the Laser Lance but way better! With +3 Strength on the Charge and 8 S from shooting. Then, the enemy gets -1 to hit them with shooting and they can just advance super far.

Overall these are some decent upgrades and having a worse invuln kind of stinks, but gaining the -1 to hit is really nice.

Shining Spears

First, though, you’ll need to get within charging range – and the Shining Spears’ tuned-up jetbike steeds are perfect for the job. A zippy Move characteristic of 16” is a pretty good start, and these knightly Aspect Warriors can push it even further by adding a guaranteed 6” when they Advance.

This is seriously strong as you’ll be able to make your charges so much more reliable.

Shining Spears 2This just gives them an insane range! Up to 34″, so basically across the whole map.

Shining Spears 3With a 20″ move and ObSec, this relic bike could really turn the tides in your favor!

Shining Spears 4

Once your jetbikers have reached their targets, they’ll melt through armour and flesh alike with devastating thrusts from their laser lances. These weapons are vastly more powerful on the turn they charge – spearing even a Space Marine with a single blow – and are backed up by a blistering hail of firepower from upgraded shuriken weaponry.

vortex paint mixer for miniaturesThis Vortex Paint Mixer is a Clump Buster!

Looking at the Aspect Powers, the Shining Spears get the following:

Shining SpearsThe first two will really add a lot of combat power to the unit, whether that means you want to hit on 2’s or deal Mortals on 5+.

Eldar Aspect Warriors 40k Codex Rules: Dark Reapers

Dark Reapers These ones come from Auspex Tactics again. If these are real, it can be a huge NERF to them as you won’t just be able to run a single big unit and buff them up with spells and auras, now you’ll have to spread it around.

Next, they don’t get Battle Focus and will no longer ignore all penalties, meaning you can’t really be moving them nearly as much as before.

Interesting take from GW on the Dark Reapers for their new Eldar Aspect Warriors 40k Codex rules!

Swooping Hawks Eldar Aspect Warriors 40k Codex Rules

Swooping HawksThe new Swooping Hawks Eldar 40k Codex rules get decent stats overall and with 4 shots, you should get plenty of 6’s to just wound automatically. Then, being able to just battle focus move, they can just teleport anywhere after shooting!

Pretty insane.

Swooping HawksThese new Exarch Powers are all pretty good and it really comes down to if you want more maneuverability, or to be that little bit more annoying to the enemy.

Eldar RulesHe’s got a pretty serious statline and some impressive weapons. If you want to run a lot of Swooping Hawks, then you better run Baharroth as well! Especially considering when he consolidates, he can just go anywhere!

Warp Spiders Rules

For those of you out there clamoring for some better hitting power for the Aspect Warriors, these new 40k rules rumors offer a glimmer of hope!

GuardiansGaining the -2 AP base is super nice as it means they might actually be able to do wounds against decent save units. If a unit of 5 deep strikes and shoots against a big unit, you will be getting an insane number of shots. Then, they can move 2D6 with battle Focus, so shoot and drift away.

Then, charging them will be super hard as they can just drift away!

warp spiders exarch powersLooks like Warp Spiders have some pretty cool and cagey new Exarch powers! Our favorite is the Web of Deceit for late-game grabs!

Other than that though, we think Eldar players will be happy so far with this tidal wave of news and rumors for all things Aeldari. Use the links below to check out our other coverage:

Do you like the new Eldar 40k codex rules rumors for more Phoenix Lords and Howling Banshees, Dark Reapers, Shining Spears, and Swooping Hawks Aspect Warriors? 

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About the Author: Travis Pasch

Travis Pasch

travis pasch writer headshot profile bioJob Title: Head Writer & Editor

Socials: @paschbass 

About Travis Pasch: Travis has been a Warhammer 40k hobbyist since the 1990s, playing the game since Third Edition. Through extensive traveling, he’s seen a lot of the miniatures hobby from across the world, giving him a unique perspective on the latest gaming topics and trends.

Travis’s brother even owns a commission painting studio, where he’s picked up a lot of good advice and techniques for painting Warhammer and tabletop miniatures over the years, as well. Travis joined the Spikey Bits team in 2019 and has been the lead writer since 2020.

Currently, he’s working on converting all his 40k Adeptus Mechanicus models and becoming a true tech enjoyer, complete with both sad and happy robot noises!