AoS Arena of Shades Price, Value & Savings Breakdown

arena-of-shades-value-worth-pricingThe Arena of Shades battle box is here and will have three new units inside- check out the price, value, and savings breakdown

These Battlebox sets have varied in value a decent amount lately, but the AoS ones are usually a little better value for the money. The recent Fury of the Deep box actually had decent value inside, so let’s hope this continues the trend, but we’ll use that as a starting point.

Let’s first check out the new minis coming in the box then look at the value.

New Daughters of Khaine & Nighthaunts Models

The next two factions to duke it out in the Age of Sigmar are Nighthaunts and the Daughters of Khaine!

The newest character set to release for Nighthaunt is the Scriptor Mortis! Described by the preview as “not a fighter”, the Scriptor is said to specialize in picking out specific heroes from a distance and “cursing them” throughout the battle.

The Nighthaunt’s are actually receiving two new units in this upcoming release! Not only are they getting a new character, but a unit capable of shooting as well, the Craventhrone Guard!

This new unit is one of the few in the Death faction of Age of Sigmar with any substantial shooting, so their addition is very welcome.

Finally, the Daughters of Khaine will receive a new character, and she has been described as particularly deadly: the High Gladiatrix.

The preview emphasized her gladiator aesthetic, and we have to agree. The character appears to come with multiple weapons and head options, so variety will be possible for those wishing for it!

Age of Sigmar Arena of Shades: What’s the Value?

Arena of Shades contains 44 models spread across two armies, for the Nighthaunt and Daughters of Khaine.  Leading them are two new Heroes, with a deadly new unit of crossbow-armed spirits also joining the forces of Death.

Just to note, overall these prices will most likely change as we know the new prices will go into effect on March 7th, 2021. Once the pricing is finalized by Games Workshop we’ll have a final breakdown for everyone.

Arena of Shades MSRP: $195

Nighthuants Value:

  • Scriptors Mortis $38-45 (based on recent releases)
  • Craventhrone Guard $45 (based on recent releases)
  • Bladegheist Revenants $50
  • Myrmourn banshees $16.50 (ETB)
  • Crawlocke $42

Total MSRP: $191.5

Daughters of Khaine Value:

  • High Gladiatrix $38-45 (based on recent releases)
  • Khinerai Lifetakers $60
  • Sisters of Slaughter $60
  • Doomfire Warlocks $42

Total MSRP: $200

  • AoS Mini Rulebook $20-$30

Total Retail Value of Adena of Shades $408.50

Savings Versus $195 Box Price: $216.50 

The Daughters get ever so slightly more money value in the box, but both are actually pretty decent. That’s also mainly due to them being very expensive per unit whereas the Nighhuants have some cheaper price points.

Is Arena of Shades Worth it?

While it’s still an estimated $20 less than Fury of the Deep, it’s still about as good of a value for a box we’ve seen in a while. Plus it makes the 40k battle boxes look weak in comparison. So, if you want to start either of the armies inside or just expand your collection, this will save you some cash.

Plus it comes with a mini core rulebook for Age of Sigmar as well!

They also did a good job on this one of keeping the dollar values for both armies really close.

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Are you excited about the new Arena of Shades box set for AoS- is the value worth it for you? 

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