New Kratos Tank For Horus Heresy & Free 40k Rules: REVIEW

new-kratos-tankGames Workshop has revealed the new plastic Kratos Heavy Assault Tank for Horus Heresy, and gave it free rules in Warhammer 40k as well!

Thanks to the interwebs, we have a picture of just how big the tank will be compared to the Spartan, which is quite big. Plus, we’ve also seen the rumored rules for the tank.

Before we go any further, we want to say, the Kratos tank Horus Heresy rules images seem extremely solid but they are from the phase 3 Playtesting documents supposedly, which means they could change or might not be 100% what we see with the final book. Let’s first check out the revealed mini, then check out the size and the rules! 

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Horus Heresy Rules & Product Leaks. Click on the gallery above to see new Horus Heresy models and rules rumors!

GW Reveals New Space Marines Tank For Horus Heresy

Warhammer Community talked about a new tank in their trailer for the upcoming Horus Heresy game revamp. In the image below it appears to have a turret-mounted battle cannon, with a shorter co-axial weapon, one traversing hull-mounted gun above the port treads, and one behind the lower treads in the fore of the hull.


The Horus Heresy is the game to play if you love war machines clashing on the grandest possible scale. From the Spartan Assault Tank to the Legion Sicaran Battle Tank, mighty vehicles were mainstays on the front lines throughout the Heresy, giving treadheads plenty to enjoy. But we don’t recognise this tank – what could it be?

Here you can also see a pintle gun mount on the top turret hatch as well.

Plastic Kratos Heavy Assault Tank

We saw rumors, and some leaks of this quite some time ago, but it’s good to see the Plastic Kratos Heavy Assault Tank is coming out for sure!

Kratos Heavy tank

Eagle-eyed viewers of the stirring trailer for Warhammer: The Horus Heresy will have noticed something new for the Age of Darkness. If you were one of those people, award yourself five hobby points because you spotted the Kratos Heavy Assault Tank.

Kratos Heavy tankThis tank is pretty awesome, and it has plenty of firepower to boot. Plus, it looks like it will be super fun to hobby on!

Kratos Heavy tank 2

In terms of hitting power, the Kratos sits between the Sicarian and Fellblade, armed with a massive battlecannon, a volkite cardanelle, or a melta blast-gun – in other words, your choice of huge weapon to kill whichever type of unit might give the rest of your army problems. But what do these three new guns do?

New Horus Heresy Kratos Tank Size Comparison

Kratos size comparisonThis pic comes from Reddit and as you can see, this is going to be no joke! You can see it’s slightly smaller than the Spartan, but that is bigger than a normal Land Raider. So, the Kratos is going to be quite the presence on the battlefield and a looming danger for sure!

Plastic Kratos Heavy Assault Tank Horus Heresy Rules

Kratos rules

First up, the Kratos battlecannon offers a choice of shells. Need to kill a lot of enemy troops in one shot? Go for the high-explosive shells. Want to take out more heavily-armoured threats? Load in the armour-piercing ammo. Facing a massive enemy tank? See how it likes the taste of flashburn.

Kratos rules 2

If you’re happy to trade flexibility for sheer firepower, the melta blast-gun will give your tank a more specialised role – it makes the Kratos the bane of enemy tanks and transports.

Kratos rules 3

Alternatively, if you want to chew through massed ranks of enemy infantry, you can go with the volkite cardanelle. This giant heat ray will merrily melt the flesh from their lightly-armoured bones.

We hadn’t seen the weapons quite yet, so this is awesome! However, we’ve also seen rumored rules for the overall profile below!

kratos battle tank horus heresy rules.jpg

You can see the guns are the same as they showed rules for, so we’d say these are pretty legit. One other thing to note, you have to pay for the third type of shell on the main cannon.

GW Drop Free 40k Kratos Heavy Assault Tank Rules

Kratos 40k Rules

Outfitted as standard with the massive Kratos battle cannon and a co-axial autocannon, this tank means business. Should you wish to make different noises in your Shooting phase, you can swap the battle cannon for a melta blast-gun or searing volkite cardanelle. Oh, and did we mention the four extra guns mounted on its hull and sponsons? You can mix-and-match between heavy bolters, lascannons, volkite calivers and more.

With 18 wounds, a 2+ save, 8 Toughness, and plenty of weapons, this should really make an impact! It has some serious anti-infantry capabilities, and the Kratos Battlecannon can dish out some insane damage.

However, it seems strange to not make much sense to use anything other than the High Explosive round as the single-shot version has too easy a chance to miss or not wound randomly, maybe if it had two shots?

Kratos 40k Rules 2

Not content with sporting some truly absurd firepower, the Kratos also has some truly absurd armour. With Toughness 8 with an impressive 18 Wounds, it’s a prime candidate for spearheading an armoured column, troops with its dozer blade, blasting holes in giant monsters – you name it, the Kratos can probably blow it up.

Coming in at 320 points (not including upgrades) this is quite expensive, but hey, nothing wrong with getting dual purpose out of the expensive mini!

Download the Rules for Free Here!

Horus Heresy Kratos Tank: Unboxing, Build & Magnetizing

Horus Heresy Kratos Heavy Assault Tank: $125

Click here to get yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Gold Goblin Games | Frontline Gaming

Kratos tank 2This actually also has rules for 40k, we’re not sure how much play it will see, but still nice to have the rules nonetheless!

Kratos tank 3This is quite the beefy kit as there are 6 sprues inside, a decal sheet, and the instructions


Kratos tank 4All the HH instructions are done in the Necromunda style and not the new 40k style, but Rob hasn’t had any problems yet.

On this page, the track guards do look very similar to each other, but they are actually different pieces. Make sure you keep track of what’s what. The hull-mounted weapons look like they can just pop in and move around a little bit which is cool.

Kratos tank 5This is where magnetizing will really come into play, as you don’t only want one weapon choice! We’ll cover how to do that in a little bit.

Kratos tank 6Rob really isn’t a big fan of the dozer blade and it doesn’t really feel like it will be easy to magnetize.


Kratos tank 7First up is the accessory sprue and we’ve seen it before with the Spartan, and Deimos Rhino but that doesn’t mean it’s not good.

Kratos tank 8The sponson weapons are very well-detailed and seem to be part of the tongue and groove system.

Kratos tank 9You get two identically mirrored sprues here and they also have parts of the dozer blades.

Kratos tank 10This sprue is what really makes it, however, Rob thinks they could easily put out a bunch of new kits similar to the Sicarian tank with just this sprue being different.

Assembled Kratos

Kratos tank 11This is quite the exciting build as we were able to make basically the whole thing modular.

Kratos tank 12You could theoretically magnetize the dozer blade, but it is just so big and not really worth the giant hassle in Rob’s opinion.

Size Comparison

Kratos tank 13


Kratos tank 14You can see this is quite large and basically the same size as the Spartan!

Making it Modular

Kratos tank 15First up, you can actually just pop these hull sponson weapons in, so no need to glue or even magnetize them, which is just super awesome!

Kratos tank 16If you want to future-proof the side sponsons, you don’t even need magnets. You just pop the sensor off the top, switch out the guns, then put it back in the tank! However, there is a trick, Rob put a bunch of the Tamiya Extra Thin Cement in the bottom, lets it dry, and it becomes tight enough to actually just pop the weapons in there and they will hold on their own.

Kratos tank 17Now for the big guns. To start, the cowl on top of the weapons is the same for all of them. Rob didn’t actually magnetize it and just used a tiny bit of blue-tac to hold it on.

Kratos tank 18Then, you don’t glue in the top plate as it slots in well enough to not need glue. This will then give you access to the weapons.

Kratos tank 19With that off, you can just literally change out the weapons as you see fit. The only thing you will need to magnetize is the back plates. You can see how Rob put the 1/4″ diameter by 1/8″ deep magnets on there with a bit of extra sprue, and it will attract them.

Kratos tank 20As you can see above, the back pieces just pop right on once you have magnets ready. You do need to do this though so it covers up the gap in the back.

Final Thoughts

Kratos tank 21Overall, this is a really cool kit to build and GW made it quite easy to make it modular. Especially considering you really don’t need to magnetize much at all.

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Horus Heresy Rules & Product Leaks. Click on the gallery above to see new Horus Heresy models and rules rumors!

All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews

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