Still Some Hope For The 40k App & Army List Building…

40k-app-worth-itIn the AdeptiCon Q&A, there were some answers on the 40k App and if it will ever be viable for army list building…

It’s been nearly 2 full years since the release of the app, and somehow it still stinks when it comes to army list building. So, will it ever get to a place where people actually want to use it?

Over on Bolter and Chainsword, someone compiled a bunch of answers from the AdeptiCon Q&A. Luckily, one section of questions was all about the app and if it will ever improve. They seem to have some big plans!

The problem is this thing has been fumbled since the very beginning, so let’s check out the issues from the very beginning, then jump into what they are trying to do.

GW Fumbles Warhammer 40k App Release

my warhammer appWhen the app finally came out (about 2 months behind schedule) there were already issues. Most importantly, there was no army builder, and the iOS version wasn’t even ready yet… 

iOS users, it’s arriving in the next day or so…* 

warhammer appWarhammer Community gave some more details on the app, but even if you subscribed at launch, you didn’t find an army builder tab.

We know you’re eager to find out when Battle Forge is coming your way. It’s really soon – August, in fact! Battle Forge is among the first of many features being added to the app, and it’ll make putting your armies together a breeze. You can choose your datasheets, change weapons, add options, pick your psychic powers, Warlord Traits, and Relics, and then output the list to print, send to friends or get feedback from your gaming buddies on social media. All you need to do to be ready for Battle Forge is download the app and subscribe through My Warhammer.

So, all the way back then, the army builder wasn’t even on there. Then, the problems have just continued to mount over the past couple of years.

Is the 40k App Finally Making List Building Progress?

primaris psyker hor wal guard angry frustratedHere’s the quote from them:

GW was asked directly; “when will the list building app not suck?”

At least they are taking some responsibility this time around. We did see them hiring a ton of people for app developers not that long ago, so that’s good. Then, with GW restructuring the whole program, they have their work cut out for them.

We’ll have to see what they can do to make it good enough that you wouldn’t even want to use another app. But, May isn’t that far away, so maybe there is some hope yet!

We’ll just have to wait and see, but at least they are admitting they have problems and are working on the app.

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It’s been two years, do you think they can actually get the 40k APP army or list builder working that well?