How Weapons Work Now: New Horus Heresy Rules

Horus-Heresy-walThe big guns are back as there are some pretty spicy teasers out there for the new Horus Heresy Weapon rules, check out what may be changing soon!

With the new edition confirmed by GW, you know there would be some leaks out there! The new edition is shaping up to be big as it has basically been talked about for 2 years now, but at least it is finally on the way! Considering these are rumors and a playtest version, they may not be exactly what comes out in the end but should be close.

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Horus Heresy Rules & Product Leaks. Click on the gallery above to see new Horus Heresy models and rules rumors!

New Edition of Horus Heresy Weapon Rules Spotted!

Special Weapons Rules Horus HeresyIt’s good to see scatter dice staying in the game as well as barrages. Also, firing indirectly for these types of weapons is also really fun and makes sense for artillery.

Special Weapons Rules Horus Heresy 2

Special Weapons Rules Horus Heresy 3They are also keeping all the different sizes of blasts, which again, is great to see as it’s one of the mainstays of the game.

Special Weapons Rules Horus Heresy 4


Special Weapons Rules Horus Heresy 5There are still a ton of special rules for shooting and combat, which keeps in the complexity of the game.

Special Weapons Rules Horus Heresy 6There are still also a decent number of rules for melee. Also, it’s cool to see they are keeping the Challenge rules.

Special Weapons Rules Horus Heresy 7Force Weapons will get Double Strength which can really increase your psyker’s power!

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Special Weapons Rules Horus Heresy 8Notice any familiar rules from back in the day? Graviton weapons roll against Strength which is a nice way to change up how you wound.

Special Weapons Rules Horus Heresy 9Haywire has always been good at killing vehicles, and it looks to be staying that way.

Special Weapons Rules Horus Heresy 10Instant Death is always scary and Lingering Death is a crazy little addition to the battlefield when you remember it.

Special Weapons Rules Horus Heresy 11


Special Weapons Rules Horus Heresy 12

Special Weapons Rules Horus Heresy 13Taking away Toughness for the rest of the game is quite strong on a high-wound model.

Special Weapons Rules Horus Heresy 14


Special Weapons Rules Horus Heresy 15Lastly, they are keeping the flame templates, and they can really cause some havoc!

Pretty exciting times for Heresy fans if these weapon rules (new and old) make the final version of the game!

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Horus Heresy Rules & Product Leaks. Click on the gallery above to see new Horus Heresy models and rules rumors!

What do you think about the new terrain rules and the ways to destroy buildings?