New Nighthaunt & Daughters of Khaine: Pricing & Where Get Yours

new-releases-nighthaunt-daughters-of-khaineHere is the pricing and where to get your Nighthaunt, Daughters of Khaine, and more new releases that are on pre-order now from Games Workshop.

Check out the latest Nighthaunt and Daughters of Khaine new releases from GW and get those hobby dollars ready if you want anything that is up for pre-order right now!

New Nighthaunt & Daughters of Khaine: Pricing & Where Get Yours

It’s also worth mentioning that the two new Nighthaunt and Daughters of Khaine models from the arena of Shades Battle box were not included in these pre-orders for some reason.

Currently, there is no word when we will see the High Gladiatrix or the Scriptor Mortis for sale separately.

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Battletome: Nighthaunt $55

Click here to get yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Gold Goblin Games | Frontline Gaming | Games Workshop’s Store Link

battletome nighthaunt

This 96-page hardback book contains:

– A musty catacomb of background information on the Nighthaunt, including their history, relationship with Nagash, and spectral culture
– Sinister yet breathtaking artwork that conveys the grim majesty of the Nighthaunt
– 31 warscrolls and pitched battle profiles for ghostly warriors, from swarming Chainrasps to new heroes like the Scriptor Mortis and Awlrach the Drowner
– Rules for 4 distinct Nighthaunt Processions, plus command traits, artefacts of power, spells, and battle traits like Aura of Dread and Frightful Touch
– Path to Glory campaign rules that allow you to spread the pall of Death by haunting the Mortal Realms, plus 7 warscroll battalions for use in narrative play
– Matched play content including 4 grand strategies and 6 battle tactics to unleash against your enemies
– A showcase of morbid Nighthaunt miniatures assembled in the colours of their Processions, alongside guides on how to paint them yourself

Also included is a sheet of 28 tokens and a range ruler, used for tracking the effects of the Wave of Terror ability.

Other than all the fantastic rules packed in here, if you are a devoted fan, you can also pick up a Nighthaunt collector’s edition while supplies last. Their rules were already leaked for the most part, and you can see most of the updates and changes to their Battletome by clicking here.

Battletome: Daughters of Khaine  $55

Click here to get yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Gold Goblin Games | Frontline Gaming | Games Workshop’s Store Link

battletome daugthers of khaine

This 96-page hardback book contains:

– A bloody offering of background information on the Daughters of Khaine, including their history, worship of Morathi-Khaine, and murderous way of life
– Stunning artwork that displays the gleeful frenzy of the Daughters of Khaine.
– 24 warscrolls and pitched battle profiles for bloodthirsty aelves, from ruthless Hag Queens and winged Khinerai to both of Morathi-Khaine’s divine forms
– Rules for the 6 primary Temples of Khaine, plus command traits, artefacts of power, spells, and battle traits such as Blood Rites and Fanatical Faith
– Path to Glory campaign rules that allow your army to win gladiatorial glory and found a new temple, plus 6 warscroll battalions for use in narrative play
– Matched play content including 4 grand strategies, 6 battle tactics, and 2 core battalions to unleash against your enemies
– A showcase of zealous Daughters of Khaine miniatures assembled in the colours of their Temples, alongside guides on how to paint them yourself

Like the Nighthaunt, Daughters of Khaine are also getting their update next week, meaning you can snag the rules with the option of a limited collector’s edition- all going on pre-orders this week!

Awlrach the Drowner $50

Click here to get yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Gold Goblin Games | Frontline Gaming | Games Workshop’s Store Link

Awlrach the Drowner

This multipart plastic kit builds one Awlrach the Drowner, a unique Hero and Totem for Nighthaunt armies. Propelling his odious, decaying skiff with a deathwood oar, this ghastly figure offers a tremendous boost to his army’s mobility by delivering units across the battlefield. He’s also a worthy painting challenge, loaded with grisly nautical details and a variety of textures to experiment with, from rusted iron and rotting wood to vengeful, ethereal spirits.

This kit comprises 29 plastic components, and is supplied with a Citadel 80mm Round Base. This miniature is supplied unpainted and requires assembly

This model looks stunning and also looks to have some interesting rules like some exceptional movement speed that you can see here!

Awlrach The Drowner sprue 1


Awlrach The Drowner sprue 2


Awlrach The Drowner sprue 3

Craventhrone Guard $45

Click here to get yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Gold Goblin Games | Frontline Gaming | Games Workshop’s Store Link

Craventhrone Guard

This multipart plastic kit builds five Craventhrone Guard, wielding soulhunter crossbows to unleash a hail of deadly bolts at close range, with the option to assemble one as a Craven Huntmaster and one as a Spectral Standard Bearer. Each model has a choice of hooded and helmeted heads, with other components such as decrepit quivers to add variety and keep your units looking unique.

This kit comprises 53 plastic components, and is supplied with 5x Citadel 32mm Round Bases. These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly



With their crossbows ready to lay down shots, these new models might be for you if you needed ranged support in your Nighthaunt lists.

Craventhrone Guard sprue 1


Craventhrone Guard sprue 3


Craventhrone Guard sprue 2

Vanguard: Idoneth Deepkin $130

Click here to get yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Gold Goblin Games | Frontline Gaming | Games Workshop’s Store Link

Vanguard Idoneth Deepkin

This raiding party consists of 15 miniatures – with a hero and battleline meaning you can use it as an army in a box. Hard-hitting eyeless Namarti Thralls are guided by the mystical prowess of an Isharaan Soulscryer, backed up by a fierce Akhelian Allopex and a trio of eel-riding Akhelian Isharaan Guard, which can also be built as Morrsarr Guard for extra flexibility.

This new package for Idoneth looks like a great way to get quite a few models all in one place to either start an army or add to an existing one.

Vanguard: Fyreslayers $130

Click here to get yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Gold Goblin Games | Frontline Gaming | Games Workshop’s Store Link

Vanguard Fyreslayers

26 hot-headed miniatures – including a hero and battleline – form a fiery core to this force. A Battlesmith chronicles the stories of the Fyreslayers to lead 20 axe-toting Vulkite Berzerkers and five ferocious Hearthguard Berzerkers – who can be built instead as the indomitable Auric Hearthguard. 

If you prefer Fyreslayers, the same is true for them! Grab this if you need many models at once, like starting a new army!

Auric Runefather on Magmadroth $112

Click here to get yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Gold Goblin Games | Frontline Gaming | Games Workshop’s Store Link

Auric Runefather on Magmadroth

This kit can alternatively be assembled as an Auric Runefather on Magmadroth or an Auric Runesmiter on Magmadroth.

The additional components in this kit can also be used to build an Auric Runefather and Auric Runesmiter on foot.

This kit comprises 95 plastic components, and is supplied with a Citadel 120mm Large Oval Base as well as 2x Citadel 32mm Round Bases. These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly

GW-action-figures-entrainment-earthClick Here To Get Your 40k Action Figures!

This sweet model isn’t new but is just being offered in a new package. If you are a fan of the giant fire lizards, this is your time to shine!

Nighthaunt Warscroll Cards $33.50 and Dice $38

Click here to get yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Gold Goblin Games | Frontline Gaming | Games Workshop’s Cards & Dice Store Link

Nighthaunt Warscroll Cards and Dice

As with most major releases, you can pick up some warscroll cards to help speed up the first few games with convenient reference cards, or you can sport your loyalties with a new set of themed dice!

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White Dwarf 476 $11

Click here to get yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Gold Goblin Games | Frontline Gaming | Games Workshop’s Store Link

White Dwarf 476

Light the incense and praise Slaanesh, issue 476 of White Dwarf is here, and it brings a new Tome Celestial for the Hedonites who worship the Prince of Pleasure, giving you new things to do with all those Depravity points…

There are also rules and missions for using sentries in Kill Team, four new fighters for you to add to your games of Warcry, Crusade rules for falling to Chaos in Warhammer 40,000, and all your favourite articles and features. How incredibly decadent!

With all the hobby news and rules, the White Dwarf is an easy pick-up if you are generally interested in all things Warhammer. Looks like there are even new rules coming for Age of Sigmar as well in this issue.

How do you feel about the new AoS Nighthaunt and Daughters of Khaine pricing?

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