Mantic Games Big Pricing Announcement

mantic updateMantic Games price increases are on the way on August 1st, which means if you want anything from them, it’s better to buy it now!

Well, we always hate to see price increases, but they have said their raw materials are increasing to such a degree that they have to raise prices for retail partners and their online store. Still, they will have better prices than a lot of companies.

This comes from their site, and as we said, the price increase will take place on August 1st. So, you do have about a month or so to grab the minis you want. It looks like the majority of the line will increase and right now the Rift Forged Orcs and new Firefight box are quite the value. Basically, don’t wait and pay more if you want the minis!

Mantic Games Price Increases on the Way

Empire of dustLet’s hear about the price increases from them:

Personally, I hate price rises, but occasionally we have to do this to ensure that we can continue to make great miniatures and push up the quality too. This year we’ve invested in a number of new hard plastic sets (Marauders, Empire of Dust Infantry, Empire of Dust Cavalry, and a top-secret Kings of War release later in the year) and we want to make even more hard plastic next year too. But for that to happen, we need to make sure we’re not spending all our money on raw materials.

Firefight 2 player set

Just like before when we’ve been forced to change prices, I don’t want to surprise you with the increases, and I’m giving you plenty of notice so you can sneak in before the rise.

We’ll be implementing the price rises on our website and to our retail partners from August 1st – which means you’ve got a whole month to fill your boots before they creep up. This is a great opportunity to start playing Firefight, increase your Deadzone terrain or start a whole new Kings of War army. If you’ve been on the fence, this is your chance to strike.

They haven’t released much info on what will be changing and quite how much, but we expect to see that soon.

Get Your Orders In With Mantic Now!

Will you be picking anything up before the increase? 

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