New Imperial Guard Kasrkin, Sentinel, & Creed CONFRIMED

new-imperial-guard-modelsAfter the leaks hit the internet hard, GW just went ahead and revealed the new Imperial Guard Kasrkin, Sentinel, Ursula Creed, and more!

Sometimes the leaks are so big, that GW just takes the initiative and reveals the minis themselves! This time around they showed off three new units, but in one picture, it looks like there could be other new minis lurking in the background as well, and we’ll obviously investigate.

Warhammer Community unveiled the new minis along with some background on the design changes. If you’ve been waiting for the fodder of the galaxy (just kidding, we love the Guard), your time has come! Let’s check it out.

GW Reveals New Imperial Guard Kasrkin, Sentinel, & Creed Models!

As you know, communication across vast galactic distances is complex, and the work of faithless traitors can lead to pictorial intelligence of a substandard quality ending up in your dutiful hands. Fortunately, we stand ready to address this oversight – our astropaths have been able to broadcast glorious images of forthcoming Astra Militarum reinforcements.

Traitors? That’s a little harsh, but hey, it got GW to reveal the minis! Plus, the new models are looking pretty sweet!

New Imperial GuardIf you ask us, there are more units than they showed off below in the picture. However, we’ll also speculate on those.


New Imperial Guard 4

The new Lord Castellan deserves to command only the finest troops in battle – and who better than the renowned Kasrkin? These warriors are the elite of the elite, and they’re getting a stunning kit to match their fearsome reputation.

Clad in the finest carapace armour, these special forces have more skills than your standard Astra Militarum trooper, and are able to cut down their enemies with volleys from their hot-shot lasguns.

The New Imperial Guard Kasrkin models really take the look of the old ones and just up the ante! They are sleeker with better-looking weapons and just overall. If you ask us, that’s a pretty good upgrade.

Ursula Creed

New Imperial Guard 2

Ursula Creed is the Lord Castellan of Cadia – and we dare any of you to tell her that she can’t hold the post simply because Abaddon destroyed that entire planet. Creed follows in her father’s footsteps – but while nepotism is alive and well in the 41st Millennium, this is no hereditary title. She’s earned that mantle like her father before her, and is every bit as ruthless, tactical, and unflinching.


New Imperial Guard 3

Wait, could that be her father’s battered old greatcoat? But wasn’t he wearing that when Cadia fell?

This is a really cool addition to the line and the model has all kinds of throwbacks to Creed. However, we’re not so sure about the paint job on this one, mainly the face, but we’re sure it can be made to look cooler.


New Imperial Guard 5

Finally, there’s an incredible new take on a classic kit – the Sentinel. These agile walker-vehicles are superb hunter-killers, and can be equipped with a variety of weaponry and wargear that enables them to deal with any foe – from blasting apart a tide of frenzied cultists to bringing down xenos monstrosities.


New Imperial Guard 6

The new miniature can be assembled as an Armoured Sentinel or – if you prefer to feel the wind in your hair as you slay the enemies of the God-Emperor – a lightweight Scout Sentinel.


This is pretty sweet! While it keeps the feel of the old one, it really updates it to the new edition! Plus, if you look hard enough in the picture at the top, you can see the scout sentinel there!

New Imperial Weapon Teams & More Models SPOTTED!

Now, let’s see what else this picture could reveal!

In the middle are what appears to be new Cadian Shock Troopers who were rumored to be “more elite” now than regular guard.  However, they could just be the old models with the new upgrade sprue as well- it’s really hard to tell.

Also hard to tell, but probably new appears to be the five-man command squad pictured far right, as even the tassels do not match the current plastic kit from the mid-2000s.

cadian command old


The new Lord Commisar model is also visible in the middle from the previous rumors, and last but certainly not least are the new Imperial Guard Heavy Weapon Teams! Looking close you will notice the armored shields are missing, and the location of the ammo feeds is different from the current models pictured below:

imperial guard weapons squads old


Pretty cool to finally see some pictures and if we’re seeing them, it most likely means the release isn’t that far off.  Here’s all the latest on the upcoming rules updates and points changes for Warhammer 40k.

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from preview models that we should keep an eye out for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still left to be revealed!

All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews For 2022

Are you excited about the new Imperial Guard Kasrkin, Weapon Teams, a Command Squad, and two new characters?

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