Still a Big Value: Updated Horus Heresy Starter Breakdown

horus-heresy-icon-logo-wal-hor-titleNow that we know the price of all the individual kits, here is the updated Horus Heresy plastic starter value and more!

Even though it’s been out for a while now, it’s good to know the actual value in the set! With the recent releases, we know for certain how much value is inside the box and what the current kits are going for.

We’ll also take a look at everything else HH if you’ve been wondering about any of the new kits!

Horus Heresy Starter Set Price, Value & Savings Breakdown

While they were technically correct about it being under $300 ($299…), there was still a lot of value inside; let’s break it down!

Warhammer: The Horus Heresy – The Age of Darkness Retail Price: $299

Click here to get yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Gold Goblin Games | Frontline Gaming | Games Workshop’s Store Link

  • 40 Mark VI Space Marines $160 ($80 for 20)
  • 10 Cataphractii Terminators $85 
  • Contemptor Dreadnought $60
  • Characters $67 
  • Spartan $112 
  • Rulebook $70 

Total MSRP: $554 (not counting accessories). Confirmed Box Price: $299

Total Values Versus $299 Box Price: $255 in value

So while the initial price is a little higher than we had hoped (but expected), this has some great value, and you get more than 100% of the box price in value. Plus, you get so many minis!

New Horus Heresy Starter Set Sprues

The new sprue pics come from GW influencer Tale of Painters

Warhammer_The_Horus_Heresy_Age_of_Darkness_Unboxing_MkVI_Tactical_Squad_SpruesLet’s start with the biggest part of the box (or at least the most numerous), the Marines! This is broken down into four sets of MKVI marines, with each set getting two identical sprues (5 Marines on each sprue) and then one upgrade sprue per 10 minis. The upgrade sprue has a decent amount of extra weapons and heads, but nothing too crazy on it.

The bolters are also attached to the hands, just like the change when they rolled out the MK III and MK IV marines back in 2015/16.

MKVI Expansions

This box to basically just be 4 of the main sprues and two upgrade sprues. The MK III and MKIV boxes are $55 so perhaps these will be discounted to around $100 for essentially two box sets.

Praetor Sprues


These are pretty much what we expected, each grabbing one of the small-sized character sprues. Unfortunately, there are no other weapon options than what they come with.

However, they do have a bare head option and don’t have iconography, so you could paint them up to be whatever legion you like, which is obviously very cool.

Praetor Horus Heresy 2This is about the most you’ll be able to customize with the different head options, but we’re sure you could get some fantastic conversions done with the kit!

Terminator Sprues

Terminators SprueThere aren’t many options in this kit, but you do get the bits for Lighting Claws or bolters and power fists. You also get the option for a heavy flamer and a power sword.

This is the same kit that came in the Betrayal at Calth box and eventually was released separately.

Contemptor Dreadnought


This sprue is awesome because it’s a smooth transition from the resin kit and the terribly posed first plastic one GW did with the previous starter sets.

It has many nice upgrades, like ball joints and movable elbow and knee joints! Then for weapons, you get a gravis bolt cannon, a gravis autocannon, a gravis melta cannon, and a gravis lascannon. However, that’s just the right arm. The powerfist can be equipped with a combi-bolter, heavy flamer, plasma blaster, meltagun, or a graviton gun. 

Horus Heresy Starter 3Getting this in plastic will be awesome, and it looks pretty sweet!

Spartan Tank




Warhammer_The_Horus_Heresy_Age_of_Darkness_Unboxing_Spartan_Assault_Tank_Sprues_03To say this is huge might be an understatement! You know this will be massive and quite the build with six giant sprues. The commander on top can have two different options, and the weapons are basically all covered. Looking at how everything fits together, you should be able to magnetize the kit and future-proof it.

With such a big kit and so many options, we would really recommend magnetizing, if for no other reason than you will get more value out of the kit!

Horus Heresy Special Weapons Packs

It looks like the rumored bits we saw are all coming true and in plastic!

The Mark VI Tactical Squad is one of the most flexible kits ever. It’s the lynchpin of your army – which you need to claim objectives and win games, and with the addition of these new weapon upgrade kits, you can transform it into Legion Tactical Support Squads or Legion Heavy Support Squads to really bring the hurt.

Special Weapons Horus Heresy

The Special Weapons upgrade set contains 10 meltaguns, 10 plasma guns, 10 volkite calivers, 10 volkite chargers, 10 flamers, and 10 rotor cannons.

This is a ton of weapons, and it’s so nice that you’ll be able to arm your squads with the weapons you want!

Special Weapons Horus Heresy 2

Need to kill your enemies from further away? There’s an upgrade kit containing 10 heavy bolters and 10 missile launchers.


Special Weapons Horus Heresy 3

Prefer fire, melta, and plasma weapons? There’s an upgrade kit for you! It features 10 plasma cannons, 10 heavy flamers, and 10 multi-meltas.

Getting 10 of each is just so much better than worrying about what you’re arming each model with. Let’s just hope they are easy to magnetize.


Special Weapons Horus Heresy 4

Finally, there’s an upgrade kit with 10 volkite culverins, 10 lascannons, and 10 autocannons.

New Horus Heresy Expansion Boxes & Rulebooks Unveiled!

Horus Heresy Starter

First up are the two Legiones Astartes army books – one for Loyalists and one for the Traitors.* Each book includes the profiles for shared units, from heroic Praetors to armoured Contemptor Dreadnoughts, as well as weapons, special rules, and guides to building your Legiones Astartes army.

The Liber Hereticus contains rules for all nine Traitor Legions, including Rites of War, Primarchs, Legion-specific units and wargear. If you’re of a more Loyalist bent, the Liber Astartes contains the same for the nine Loyalist Legions.

If you’re playing the game, you’ll obviously have to get these rules for the legions.

MKVI Expansions

Got the rules but need some reinforcements? The Mark VI Tactical Squad will also be available separately. This kit is packed with options and makes 20 Space Marines, so you can muster either two 10-man squads or one big 20-man one. Good luck to any enemies who want to shift that.




Prefer older marks of power armour? The Mark III and Mark IV Tactical Squads are getting repackaged into units of 20, making it easier than ever before to fill out the ranks of your Legion.

Forge World Horus Heresy Upgrade Kits Announced


Here are all of the new Horus Heresy upgrade kits from Forge World that have been released for Age of Darkness. Click Here to Read More

Horus Heresy Leviathan Siege Dreadnought: Unboxing & Magnetization

leviathan unboxing horus heresy magentizeDon’t miss our unboxing, build, and how-to magnetize the new Horus Heresy Leviathan Siege Dreadnought kit from Games Workshop. Click Here To Read More

Horus Heresy New Kratos Tank: Unboxing & Build

Kratos tank

Rob is back unboxing the new Horus Heresy Kratos Tank and, most importantly, sees how to future-proof this using modularity and magnetization. He’ll see what it takes to get it ready for the tabletop, show the model’s size, and tell you the GOTCHAS to be aware of when building it! Click Here To Read More.

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Horus Heresy Rules & Product Leaks. Click on the gallery above to see new Horus Heresy models and rules rumors!

All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews

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