That Display Case Kickstarter Isn’t Looking As Bad Now…

artis-opus-kickstarter-updateIt looks like the Artist Opus display cases Kickstarter isn’t that bad now, as they fixed many of the issues with the page, well, except the price.

We had a guest hobbyist who was very concerned about the project write up their thoughts on the confusion, with this project recently.  It’s nice to see Artis Opus actually making some big changes to their project instead of just letting things slide. Originally, at launch, the project was extremely confusing, and it was hard to know what you were even getting.

Luckily they had a ton of brand supporters who backed them initially, and now they seem to have really cleaned up most of the issues with their project that just made it look like they slapped it together.

Artist Opus Display Cases Kickstarter Looks Much Smoother Now

Display case

This is the first great improvement; they actually show the size much better now, whereas before, it was a little confusing about how much you were actually getting.

Display case 2

Next up, they really cleared up what actual power supplies you will get depending on your country! Before, it simply said power main, so it’s nice to actually see what you’ll get and how it will work.

Display case 3They also got the names of the content creators right this time around, which is obviously nice to see. As we said, it was obvious that Artis Opus has the ability to get their supporters to onboard their Kickstarters with minimum effort, and this is a great example of that.

However, it is really nice to see them not just sit on all these problems, and actually clear up a ton of the confusion with thier project.

Display case 4It really feels like they took the time to make cool cases, just didn’t put much effort into the page itself. Let’s just hope in the future, things run more smoothly as they often come out with these premium high-end products.

Check Out the Revamped Project Here!

What are your thoughts on these new Artist Opus display cases that are on Kickstarter? 

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