Dead on Arrival, Cursed City Was Doomed to Fail

By Rob Baer | November 11th, 2022 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Editorials, Games Workshop, Warhammer 40k Rumors

cursed-city-game-blankDead on arrival, Warhammer Quest Cursed City seems doomed to fail, regardless of all the hype Games Workshop pumps into it.

The first real issue (and the one that probably killed it the fastest) was the botched release in 2021, as GW seemed to know full well they didn’t have enough kits for everyone who wanted them.

Still, they solicited orders from stores and distributors, then allocated them, and went radio silent when they all disappeared, and consumers clamored for them. The price then skyrocketed to nearly double retail on eBay as supply outstripped demand.

Cursed City Was Doomed to Fail

cursed city box art

Six months later, they said Cursed City would come back with a full release as a normal store item. As promised, Curse City returned in the spring of 2022, where you could order it and wait 180 days for the Made to Order copy to arrive.

Warhammer Quest: Cursed City is coming back! The immersive co-op dungeon crawler set in the Age of Sigmar was first released in 2021 and returned earlier this year as a Made to Order product. It will return to store shelves for good this October, and in celebration we bring news of an expansion.

Fast-forward to October of 2022, and Cursed City finally showed up in stores as a normal release item, along with hobbyists’ MTO copies.

Now the hype seems about gone, as retailers are already discounting them heavily for Black Friday.

This could mean that people are still upset at missing out on something they wanted because Games Workshop bungled the release multiple times.

wayland games cursed city

HeroQuest: A Great Cursed City Replacement

While the initial Cursed City got people really excited for the dungeon crawl-style format Warhammer Quest is known for, the hype didn’t last too long. HeroQuest, however arrived during the holiday season following the Cursed City flop before Games Workshop announced a reprint of the game, and is a great alternative!

HeroQuestWhen you compare Cursed City to HeroQuest, it was super doomed from the start. While the first release of HeroQuest and Cursed City were somewhat comparable in terms of value, HeroQuest was much more truthful about what you would get, the project had insane amounts of stretch goals and also had all the nostalgia on its side.

For about half the price of Cursed City, you seemed to get a lot more value with HeroQuest, along with that same multiplayer vibe!

HeroQuest hasn’t stopped releasing cool expansions either, while Cursed City has done some odd MTOs and miniature-less expansions.

Cursed city Frozen ThroneAs you can see above, the Frozen Horror expansion is not only cheaper, but it has a bunch of minis! Whereas the Cursed City one is $50 for literally nothing but some books and cards.  So for $5 less, you get way more with HeroQuest.

Going forward, if Games Workshop wants people actually to buy the expansions and play Cursed City, they probably really need to go over the top to get hobbyists back on board.

Especially because everyone who bought it wanted it just for the minis, so if they want to keep Cursed City alive, that seems like a great place to start.

That ship, however, may have already sailed…

Nemesis is the second and final expansion for Warhammer Quest: Cursed City. It takes us back into the doomed city of Ulfenkarn for one last job – to save the survivor’s enclave of Haven from the returned Radukar the Wolf – who is now hell-bent on killing the last remaining mortal denizens of the city he once ruled with an iron fist.

Click Here to Get Your HeroQuest Game For Less!

Were you able to pick up Cursed City? Will you grab any of the expansion?

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