GW Announces Cursed City Re-release & New Expansions!


Games Workshop has announced the return of not only Cursed City for Warhammer Quest, but all new expansions for all coming soon!

After GW first promised it would be a regular release, and then everything went sideways. But now it’s coming back in 2022! Obviously, until now, it had been going for more on the secondary market ever since its release, so hopefully, this will let whoever else needs one get it. If you want to see what kind of value the box has inside, check out the value here.

Warhammer Community unveiled the news right before the holidays. They didn’t give the exact release date, but we expect early 2022 if they posted about it. It’s a very nice gesture that they seem to be listening to the community that about how everyone wanted it back!

GW Announces Cursed City Re-release & New Expansions!

Cursed city relaunch

This set sold out quickly when it was released, and many of you have been in touch to ask if it will be back. Today we can confirm that it will indeed rise again. For those of you that missed out the first time round, this is your chance to get your hands/bestial claws on some of the best Citadel miniatures of 2021, as well as the amazing co-operative Warhammer game. Look out for news on exact release dates in the new year.

Cursed city relaunch 2

Finally, if it’s not enough that Cursed City is returning, it will also be accompanied by expansions, so your adventure into Ulfenkarn can grow and continue with even more dramatic twists and turns. Spoiler alert: Radukar isn’t dead – he’s just really, really angry!

Here’s a closer look at Curse City from our Unboxing video when it was released the first time around:

The box originally sold for $199 so we expect the re-release to go for around the same, which would be nice because it is more expensive on the secondary market. Again, they didn’t give an exact date but we hope it’s sooner than later! If you want it this second time around, don’t miss out again as we’re not sure how long it will be available.

The Value is Fading on eBay

eBay Prices Cursed CityWe saw 13 sold at this price not that long ago! It feels like a lot of the people who wanted it grabbed it now as the prices on eBay have gone down nearly $150.

Cursed city relaunch 3This is the current price, so it looks like the secondary market made its money early on. However, we’re sure there are still plenty of people who want the box! So let’s hope the relaunch gets everyone a box who wants it.

All the Newest GW Model Previews For December & Beyond

Will you be grabbing a box for the Return of Cursed City? 

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