New Primaris Space Marines Jet Packs Hidden In Plain Sight

gw-rumors space marines horFrom rumors to another sighting of the new Primaris Space Marines Assault Jump or Jet Packs from the Space Marine 2 video game again!

As you know, GW never likes even to illustrate a unit they are not going to make. For the most part, they only ever show something they will make in miniature eventually!

When you combine that with all the rumors we’ve heard and spotted hidden in plain sight in the trailer, there is a good chance Primaris Space Marines are getting some new jet-pack units before too long.

Obviously, this is all just a rumor until GW actually confirms it. So take it with as much salt as you need.

Primaris Assualt Space Marines Jump Jet Packs Spotted (again)

Let’s start with some of the rumors we’ve seen.

Space Marines Codex 2.0

These rumors come from Auspex Tactics, and while they are a little bit older, they already pointed to jump-pack Primaris.

10th Ed starters feature Blood Angels and Tyranids:
– new “primaris” terminators; jump death company; captain; sanguinary priest
– broodlord, new genestealers, macrofex, hypergants, zoanthrope HQ

Next up, these rumors are from Reddit and talk about the jump Primaris coming with the new starter box. This also makes sense as there have been rumors that the desolators and new dreadnought will hit with the book before the big box set (rumored).

Now that we’ve seen some of the older rumors, let’s jump into the new stuff!

Primaris Space Marines Jet Pack In Video Game Trailer

Here’s an image from around the 31-second mark of the new Space Marine 2 video.

As you can see, this pack is a little different from all existing Primaris jump tech. We’ll have some comparison pictures below, but as we said. Games Workshop would never illustrate something that they aren’t going to make, especially considering just how popular Space Marine 2 looks like it’s going to be.

So, if this is actually a new jump pack, this more or less confirms GW is going to make it at some point in miniature!

Primaris Jet PacksPlus, these are images of the one we saw in December of 2021 at the end of the first teaser video.

Primaris Jump Pack


Primaris Jump Pack 2

Now, let’s check out some of the comparisons from Valrak.

Primaris Jet PacksAs you can see, this is slightly smaller than the one on the left (Inceptors) and a different configuration from the one on the right (Suppressors). You can see it has fewer flaps, so it won’t fly quite as well but will have a stronger lift than the other one.

Valrak also points out that if the game’s developers already had this model to base the game off, it is all but confirmed at this point…

Primaris Jet Packs

From the front, they also look much different from anything Primaris have, and it looks like they will be getting a new unit. The release date of this unit has been pretty debated, so we’ll have to wait and see on that side of it!

Check out the latest Warhammer 40k rumors for the rest of the 9th and even 10th Edition, new releases, and more!

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from preview models that we should watch out for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still left to be revealed!

    All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

    Would you like to see the new Assault Space Marines jump jet pack Primaris miniatures? When do you think we’ll see them? 

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