Painting Bloody Rose Sisters of Battle: How To Tutorial

Bloody Rose PaintingPainting Bloody Rose Sisters of Battle doesn’t have to be complicated; learn how with this fast how-to-paint tutorial from Hellfire Hobbies!

If you’re planning on going with the most fervent ladies in the galaxy, you need to get good at painting Sisters of Battle, and this tutorial will help you tackle the steps without much hassle!

Let’s see how to paint Sisters of Battle.

Painting Bloody Rose Sisters of Battle: How To Paint Tutorial

Speed Painting Sisters of battle 2The main thing you need to do first is to get a good base layer primer with black. This will make the base of the model, so get good coverage.

Step 1:

Bloody Rose Painting 2He starts with Mephiston Red through the airbrush and mixes it with some airbrush thinner. He does this from a top-down angle and tries to hit most of the model, but you want to leave some portions of the very bottom of the model almost black. then, he goes from a wider angle to lightly hit the foot and other areas he wants red.

Step 2:

Bloody Rose Painting 3Now he does the same thing but with Evil Suns Scarlett, but with much less angle. This is much more of a highlight here. Now, he moves to the brush and goes back to Mephiston Red and does some edge highlighting with it on the armor.

Don’t go crazy here, though, he just does highlights where they will actually stick out.

Step 3:

Bloody Rose Painting 4Next, he just takes black with the brush and does a base coat all over the cloak, cloth, and anywhere else he wants it. Nothing too crazy; just get good coverage. Then, he uses Gun Metal for the gun and all the little details he wants to be silver.

Step 4:

Bloody Rose Painting 5For the face, he uses a light skin tone and just does a quick base coat and a quick highlight with Kislev Flesh. For all the black areas now, he takes Dark Reaper and highlights all the black areas with it.

You can either drybrush it or edge highlight it. To finish off the face, he uses a wash of Agrax Earth. Be careful here because you do not want it on any red or hair!

Step 5:

Bloody Rose Painting 6Now, he takes Ulthuan Grey and highlights all the little areas, including the white hair. To finish the model off, he simply puts it onto a new base!

Finished Model:

Bloody Rose Painting 7That does it for this one, be sure to check out the whole video below for all the details!

If you want to see more, check out Hellfire Hobbies’ tutorial by clicking this link here.

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