3 New Arks of Omen Box Sets Revealed By GW

GW just revealed three new Arks of Omen box sets made specifically for playing boarding action games, but could also be used for regular 40k.

This is an interesting move by GW, as the boxes are made specifically for the new game format. We’ll have to see pricing on these, but if they price them right, it could be a decent way to start up a new force and get to playing some boarding action games all in one go.

Two of the sets are made for actual boarding actions, while the other box is just more of a normal battleforce for Chaos with plenty (including the new Daemon Prince and older Heldrake model) that you won’t be able to use in boarding actions.

New Arks of Omen Box Sets Revealed By GW

The reveals come from this Warhammer Community post.

Arks of Omens Box Sets


Battlefields in the grim darkness of the far future are shifting as Vashtorr the Arkifane and Abaddon unleash the calamitous Arks of Omen and set intricate plans in motion.

The various factions of the 41st Millennium are now forced to undertake Boarding Actions against these twisted space hulks, with small, elite forces clashing in their claustrophobic confines. 

These are focused on troops as they are mainly what you can take for boarding actions. If you want to see how the new rules will work, you can check that out here.

Arks of Omen box sets

The Emperor’s finest are the prime bulwark against Abaddon’s nefarious schemes, and this Boarding Patrol is typical of their brutal efficiency in such matters. You’ll be able to face any foe with a highly customisable Primaris Captain in Gravis armour, five Heavy Intercessors, and 10 Assault Intercessors.

This is a decent number of minis, so we’ll really have to wait and see how they price this. If the price is right, it might not even be a bad pick-up for normal 40k players.

It’s just a little interesting to see who will buy these because players will need to grab the Arks of Omen book as well to use them in that game. Plus, if you already play Space Marines, these are probably units you already have.

However if not, it could be a solid pickup to get playing right away!

Arks of Omen box sets 2

Abaddon spearheads elements of his current campaign in person, and so the Chaos Space Marine Boarding Patrol includes the Despoiler himself, 10 Chaos Space Marine Legionaries, and 20 Cultists for you to cherry-pick your own patrol from.

If you want a bunch of Cultists, this is going to be for you! If not, then it’s probably not worth it, but just like the Space Marines box, it will really come down to price. Who knows, maybe we get lucky, and they price them nicely to get people into Arks of Omen.

Plus, getting a crack at an Abaddon model in a bundle deal may be pretty clutch for some players as well!

Balefleet Battleforce

Arks of Omen box sets 3

In a world of bloody Boarding Actions, it’s easy to forget the colossal battles that define the 41st Millennium are still taking place. Balefleets are the cohorts raised by Abaddon and Vashtorr, tasked with collecting the artefacts needed to complete their meticulous plan.

The Balefleet Battleforce is a contingent of corrupted warriors comprised of 10 Possessed, five Chaos Space Marine Terminators, and a Helldrake, all led by an infernal Daemon Prince.

This is an interesting battleforce with a bunch of elite-style troops that could be a good pick-up for most Chaos players!

Check out the latest Warhammer 40k rumors for the rest of the 9th and even 10th Edition, new releases, and more!wya

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from preview models that we should watch out for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still to be revealed!

    All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

    What do you think about the new battleforces from GW? Will you be picking any of them up? 

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    About the Author: Travis Pasch

    Travis Pasch

    travis pasch writer headshot profile bioJob Title: Head Writer & Editor

    Socials: @paschbass 

    About Travis Pasch: Travis has been a Warhammer 40k hobbyist since the 1990s, playing the game since Third Edition. Through extensive traveling, he’s seen a lot of the miniatures hobby from across the world, giving him a unique perspective on the latest gaming topics and trends.

    Travis’s brother even owns a commission painting studio, where he’s picked up a lot of good advice and techniques for painting Warhammer and tabletop miniatures over the years, as well. Travis joined the Spikey Bits team in 2019 and has been the lead writer since 2020.

    Currently, he’s working on converting all his 40k Adeptus Mechanicus models and becoming a true tech enjoyer, complete with both sad and happy robot noises!