South Park Takes Warhammer 40k Mainstream

warhammer 40k south park episode miniatures stanWargaming is getting more mainstream now as South Park did a Warhammer 40k episode, and it’s just incredible- check it out!

Trey Parker is rumored to play Warhammer 40k and tabletop games, so it makes sense he would put the game into the show at some point, especially with all the stuff you can easily make fun of. It’s fantastic to see Warhammer 40k get a big spotlight like South Park, and who knows, maybe the Spring Break episode will even get some players into the game!

Here are more articles on Warhammer going mainstream in case you missed them:

South Park Did a Warhammer 40k Episode!

Not only do they show the game, but there’s also some painting, and it looks like they use images of physical models and put them into the show! The images of this episode come from Valrak’s video.

Warhammer 40k South ParkThere are quite a few things to unpack here. First, it looks like they took pictures of their own or friends’ miniatures and put them right into the show! The game is Raven Guard vs Sisters of Battle, and they even talk about hit modifiers, wounds, and saves!

They also add some great little details like the Red Bulls, chips, and soda all over the place. Lastly, Randy (Stan’s dad) is quite confused by why the boys are playing, but we’ve all had that family member quite confused about the game, and especially why we’re so into it!

He wants them to chase some chicks for Spring Break, but they choose Warhammer!

Warhammer 40k South Park

Armory Paints is an excellent name for the paints, and he’s got the dirty paint water and a palette!

Warhammer 40k South Park 2

You get a good shot of the Raven Guard, and quite obviously, they are just physical images put in, but maybe the best part, they even have an unpainted biker in the back!


Maybe the one thing they got wrong, is they are both using their books without any extra rules.

Warhammer 40k South Park 2

The Sisters look great and even have the classic ruins for terrain! Overall, just really cool to see the boys playing Warhammer and such a mainstream show.

Trey Parker & Tabletop Gaming

trey parker warhammerTrey with miniatures painted by White Metal Games

While it’s unclear if he’s into the Warhammer scene, it appears from an old article from White Metal Games, that Trey Parker is definitely into the Tabletop Hobby in general.  He contracted a local studio here in North Carolina to paint up some figures and a Darth Vader for him. The Studio’s owner even whipped up a custom Man Bear Pig model for Mr. Parker as well.

Check out the video from Valrak with some clips from the show below!

Did you see the episode yet? Are you excited to see Warhammer 40k becoming even more mainstream appearing in South Park? 

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