Here’s The New Terminator Librarian for 10th Edition 40k!

New Terminator Librarian 4GW revealed the new Space Marines Terminator Librarian for 10th Edition Warhammer 40k, as another model from the trailer is here!

We all know tons of new Space Marine models are on the way, and GW is slowly working through the new stuff every week.  This is actually the third (well, sort of 5th if you include the Termagants and Terminators) new model release officially revealed from the preview video at Adepticon 2023.

We saw the Phobos Lieutenant a while back, but a Librarian in Terminator armor is much more intimidating.

Here are the quick links to the latest for 10th Edition Warhammer 40k and the full articles below!

Space Marines Get a New Terminator Librarian for 10th Edition 40k!

As you can see from the GW reveal the model is really dope and takes plenty of inspiration from the older models, but upgrades the look to now!

New Terminator Librarian

Librarians are the battle psykers of the Space Marines. Those that earn the right can don the sacred Terminator Armour of the First Company for battle, allowing them to lend a lethal psychic edge to elite infantry spearheads, whether that is in gruelling boarding actions, ferocious urban fighting, or on the front line against overwhelming enemy numbers.

 Psychic will be far different in 10th, so hopefully, they will put the rules out very soon for that

New Terminator Librarian 2

The new Librarian is clad in the finest artificer-wrought armour a Chapter can provide, engraved with special wards to avert any nasty side effects from his psychic powers. Unlike Njal Stormcaller of the Space Wolves or Mephiston of the Blood Angels, this guy is Chapter-agnostic – featuring no specific symbols or logos – so you can easily add him to your existing force.

There are plenty of little details all over the place, and the runes should be pretty fun to paint up! We expect all these new models to be in the starter box, so hopefully, we’ll be able to score it before too long.

New Terminator Librarian 3

If you want to see everything we spotted in the teaser video, check that out here, as there are plenty more minis to go!

All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

Are you excited about all the new models like this Terminator Librarian we’ve seen for 10th Edition Warhammer 40k? 

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