Vehicles Just Got Better in 10th Edition Warhammer 40k!

10th-Edition-40k-wal-hor-new-rulesVehicles just got better in 10th Edition Warhammer 40k, plus we got the full datasheet for the new and improved Rhino- check it out!

Games Workshop says every single vehicle (or nearly) is getting a bump in toughness, and combined with the lower lethality (but we’re not sure about that as the Hunter-Killer missile is up to Strength 14), they are going to be hard to bring down!

GW has officially confirmed the new 10th edition of Warhammer 40k, and continues to show off a bunch of the rules changes as well! Here are the quick links to the latest for 10th Edition Warhammer 40k and the full articles below!

Now, let’s jump into the changes.

GW Reveals Vehicle Rules For Warhammer 40k 10th Edition!

Warhammer Community previewed the new vehicle rules for 10th Edition Warhammer 40k, and things are looking quite different!

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Almost every vehicle has received a bump in Toughness. So while Toughness 9 used to be the highest you’d ever see in a game, in the new edition you can find units like the Ork Stompa with toughness as high as 14!

All the weapons in the game have also been recalibrated to fit into this new scale, and we’ll be talking about those tomorrow.

This will make vehicles even more critical for armies, and without as many list restrictions, we’ll probably be seeing all kinds of tanks.

New 10th Edition Warhammer 40k Rhino Datasheet Rules

Vehicle Rules 10th Edition 40k

Coming out of the gate with a Toughness score to match the Titans of old, the reinforced Rhino actually sits towards the bottom end of the pool of hardy Space Marine vehicles. Its new Toughness of 9 leaves it significantly less vulnerable to most infantry-portable weapons, even meltagun blasts. 

At the same time, the Rhino receives two core abilities common across many factions – Deadly Demise and Firing Deck. The first of these dictates how many mortal wounds are suffered by nearby units when a vehicle explodes, while the second shows how many embarked units can shoot from inside a transport. Both rules have previously existed in many different forms, and are now condensed into core abilities for clarity.

You’ll also notice that most Vehicles have an OC (Objective Control) of more than 1, meaning that ramming a depleted enemy infantry squad to muscle them off an objective, is an entirely legitimate tactic! 

So first, this moves to Toughness 9 and OC 2. The bigger the tank, the bigger the OC score, so you can actually secure objectives with these. Then, they changed the rules for exploding to be more straightforward (we assume the D3 means D3 damage for Deadly Demise). The Firing Deck tells you how many models from inside can shoot.

In theory, if you have two powerful weapons inside, you can just go ahead and shoot those two plasmas every time! They also said tanks would degrade, but we’re not sure if it will be a single chart where every tank, vehicle, and monster just degrades the same or if they are just leaving that out for now.

Also, one thing to note, the Hunter-Killer moves to Strength 14, which is pretty wild, so maybe the lower lethality will just come in terms of things being tougher. Who knows? Lastly, the Rhino regenerates one wound per turn, which is always nice.

New Space Marine Vehicle Profiles

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We’re still not recommending staying out in the open against concentrated railgun fire, but you should find your armoured behemoths make it through more firefights and can form a solid bastion in your army. To prove the point, here are a few more examples from the Space Marine roster.

They didn’t give all the rules, but just the profiles are looking great! The Repulsor comes in at the tankiest (pun intended) with T12, 16 Wounds, and an OC of 5! All the tanks will be way harder to bring down, so pretty interesting overall.

Check out the latest for Warhammer 40k 10th Edition, new releases, rules, rumors, and more!

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from preview models that we should watch out for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still to be revealed!

    All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

    What do you think about the new 10th Edition Warhammer 40k vehicle rules? Do you like the changes so far? 

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