Ewoks Get More New Rules in Star Wars: Legion

wicket-ewok-rules-expansion-star-wars-legion-miniatureCreate your own Ewoks Bright Tree Village Battleforce army list with the new Star Wars Legion rules from AMG.

The new models are dope, and who doesn’t want cute and cuddly murder bears on their team? We’ll jump into the new rules from Atomic Mass Games, but let’s first check out some of the new expansions to build this battleforce. 

If you read this after July 21st, 2023, these expansion sets should be fully released and available from your favorite store!  To order one for yourself, you can click here or the header below. 

Star Wars Legion: Ewok Warrior Unit Expansion: $39.99

Click here to get yours from | Amazon | or | Asmodee Website |

star wars legion ewoks

An iconic race joins the Rebel cause in this new pack for Star Wars™: Legion! Natives of the forest moon of Endor, Ewoks may be short of stature and limited to primitive technology, but they are quick learners who cannot be underestimated. This pack adds a unit of six Ewoks and two unit cards that let players decide if they’re armed with slings or spears to players’ Rebel armies or the new Bright Tree Village Battle Force.


Click here to get yours from | Amazon| or | Asmodee Website |

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Two heroic Ewoks come to Star Wars™: Legion to help bring down the Empire in this pack! The brave and resourceful Wicket W. Warrick and Logray proved instrumental in helping the Rebels bring down the Imperial shield generator during the battle of Endor and this pack adds these iconic Ewoks as new Commander choices for Rebel armies and the new Bright Tree Village Battle Force.


Click here to get yours from | Amazon| or | Asmodee Website |

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The intimidating Imperial AT-ST returns to Star Wars: Legion! Featuring new engineering that allows for a better assembly experience, the AT-ST in this pack adds firepower to any army. Additionally, the miniature in this pack now features new customization options, allowing players to assemble it with General Weiss or Chewbacca in the top hatch.

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Finally, this pack includes both the Imperial unit card and theChewbacca unit card found in SWL110 – Logray & Wicket,inviting players to explore all the possibilities this unit has to offer right away.

New Bright Tree Village Battleforce Rules Storm Into Star Wars: Legion

Bright Tree Village Battleforce Rules

Divine Influence gives Bright Tree affiliated troopers Guardian 2 and allows those units to cancel crits as if they were hits. These Ewok troopers can also be targeted by Compel, as C-3PO encourages them to move forward into the fray. His classic re-telling of the Rebel’s conflict against the Empire is reflected in another new keyword, Master Storyteller. The longer the battle rages, the more units C-3PO can choose to benefit from this ability. Finally, Infiltrate ensures C-3PO is in the right position to encourage the army of Bright Tree forward as the fight begins.

If you’re playing the Ewoks, you need the Golden God! He has a ton of cool abilities to keep the Ewoks moving forward and sneaky, then the Ewoks will protect him in turn.

Bright Tree Village Battleforce Rules 2

A well-respected Ewok Shaman, Logray was initially convinced that the conflict between the Rebellion and the Empire was too great for his people to be involved in. Eventually he was swayed and joined the struggle in earnest. Logray is able to survive on his own with Independent: Aim or Dodge 1, Low Profile, and Nimble. He supports his fellow Ewoks with Inspire 2 and Aid. Finally, Logray’s courage of 3 will be a boon as his forces continue to battle the Imperials. But that’s not all Logray has in store! 

This all makes perfect sense, as he’s nimble, low profile, can dodge or aim, and can inspire his troops! If you want a really fun leader, might as well go with Logray.

Upgrade Cards

Bright Tree Village Battleforce Rules 3

Three new training upgrades give Logray a number of options to equip when he’s getting ready for war. “Secret Ingredients” gives him an Aim or Dodge token, which he can gain at the start of his activation. He also removes a suppression token after using Aid. A renowned healer, “Herbal Medicine” can be exhausted to remove a wound or restore a mini from an affiliated Bright Tree trooper unit. Last but certainly not least, “Onward to Victory” is exhausted to give a friendly trooper a speed-1 move when an enemy unit is defeated. And if these training upgrades aren’t enough to beat back the might of the Empire, Logray has a few more surprises in his satchel. 

Obviously, you want to make yourself a nice old stew right before battle, but he can do more than just make stew. His herbal medicine can restore units, and he can inspire his troops to victory!

New Command Cards

Bright Tree Village Battleforce Rules 4

The Bright Tree Village battle force has four new command cards to fight against their enemies. “Arboreal Assault” gives Bright Tree affiliated units access to Suppressive and Immobilize 1. Additionally, after friendly Special Forces units perform an attack against a unit with a faceup order token, that unit’s order token is shuffled back into the order pool. When you need to set up a clever ambush, “Hidden in Plain Sight” grants two trooper units Inconspicuous, allowing them to get in an ideal position or melt away into the forest. Sound the charge with “For the Tribe,” which allows units that are issued an order by this card to Recover and gives Bright Tree units with faceup order tokens Dauntless and Relentless. Finally, “Log Traps” activates a unique attack, as wood descends upon a hapless enemy to annihilate them in a cascade of timber.

These are super flavorful, with the option to hit them with rocks or logs or hide in plain sight! Gaining Suppresive and Immobilize is always nice, but an Impact 4 and Pierce 1 attack can be pretty deadly. Lastly, it looks like there are going to be a bunch of ways to inspire your troops.

New Chewbacca Rules

Bright Tree Village Battleforce Rules 5

Riding high in a stolen AT-ST, Chewbacca brings some serious firepower to Bright Tree Village. His unit card has all the hallmarks of a standard Imperial AT-ST, with some of its powerful upgrades already included. Being an adept vehicle pilot, Chewbacca surges to crit while attacking. He also has Inspire 3, as his towering war machine punishes the Imperial defenders, and rallies the troops around him. Finally, Incognito allows him to blend in and stay hidden until the time is right to strike. 

Obviously, if you play this battleforce, you will want Chewbacca in an AT-ST! This will add a ton of firepower and armor to your army, and should be a good addition.

Will you be picking up the Ewok boxes? Do you like the rules for the Bright Tree Village Battleforce in Star Wars Legion so far?

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