2023 Marvel Crisis Protocol FAQ & Affiliation List Changes

By Andrew Schrank | September 21st, 2023 | Categories: Marvel Crisis Protocol, Warhammer 40k Rumors

marvel-crisis-protcol-faqsDon’t miss the new Marvel Crisis Protocol FAQ and Affiliation List changes that touched up a few things with team building and more!

With another Ministravaganza passing, Marvel Crisis Protocol got a few affiliation updates and a touch-up on a team tactic. So if you want to stay current with all the rules, we have all the changes for you below!


If you are curious about recent character card rule updates, you can check out our coverage here from the 2023 Ministravaganza.

This time around, the new FAQ only really changes two affiliations and a single-team tactic card. Let’s check it out!

New Marvel Crisis Protocol FAQ & Affiliation List

Looks like there weren’t any changes to the core rules as it is still dated March 2022, but if you want to check it out, you can here.

Crisi protocol 09-2023 faq update

This Team Tactic Card for Cosmic Ghost Rider is getting a change, but if you want to see all the current FAQ changes/updates, be sure to check the official document here.

Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation List Updates

9 - 2023 crisis protocol affiliation update

The only two changes seem to be Daredevil and Punisher getting added to Defenders.

The official booklet online is dated September 22, 2023, and you can check it out here along with all the current affiliations.

What do you think about the new Marvel Crisis Protocol FAQ & Affiliation List?

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