Battle Foam Drops Special Discount Pricing on Magna Rack Kits

Battlefoam Magna Rack LargeGet special discount pricing this week only on the Battle Foam Magna Rack Large Kits and other Accessories!

Battle Foam carries much more than their pre-cut foam inserts that can be used to make your hobbying easier. Sometimes, they even send out discount codes for their various items, which helps you get incredible products for an awesome price.

One of their more popular products is their Magna Line rack, which comes in several sizes, although today, we will be focusing on their large option, which seems to be thier more popular variant!

Special Discount Pricing on Battle Foam Magna Rack Large Kits

Battle Foam Product of the WEek

The Battle Foam Magna Rack Line has added a great option to transport and protect your miniatures.

Made to fit in our most popular P.A.C.K. Bags the 720 and 1520, you can transport entire armies to the battlefield safely and get them on the table quickly.

Being universal to match any army or game is the true strength of Magna Racks. We even have a P.A.C.K. Plus option that can be zipped onto the bottom of a 720 or on top of a 1520!

Take 10% off by using Discount Code: MRLBF4601401 

Magna Rack Sliders Large Kit for the P.A.C.K. 1520XL: $234.99

Magna Rack Sliders Large Kit for the P.A.C.K. 1520XL

This is an example of one of the many different Magna Rack kits available for the discount this week, this one being for the 1520XL

The Magna Rack Sliders Trays have been designed for gamers who like to store and transport their miniatures that have been magnetized.  Magnetized models allow you to store your miniatures upright protecting them from rubbing on other materials.  Sliders allow for easy access to your models. And because they are completely removable you can go from tray to table and back again with ease.

Magna Rack Sliders Large Kit for the P.A.C.K. 1520XL front

This kit includes:

  • 5x Large Magna Rack Sliders Trays.
  • 1x Large Magna Rack Original Tray.
  • 4x 6 inch (152 mm) Magna Rack Spacer Legs.
  • 4x 5 inch (127 mm) Magna Rack Spacer Legs.
  • 4x 3 inch (76 mm) Magna Rack Spacer Legs.
  • 4x 2 inch (50 mm) Magna Rack Spacer Legs.
  • 4x 2 inch Short (50 mm) Magna Rack Spacer Legs.
  • 4x Bottom Plugs
  • 4x Top Plugs
  • 4x Top Caps

Magna Rack LArge Accessories Magna Rack LArge Accessories2

Alongside the Slider packs, all the other necessary kits, trays, and accessories for the Large Magna Racks also count for this discount.

To snag the 10% discount, use the Discount Code: MRLBF4601401 at checkout, and you’ll be set to go!

If you love Battle Foam, check out what else they’ve released lately here. That does it for this one. Now, go grab your Magna Racks!

Click Here to Get Your Magna Rack Large Kits and Accesories!