The new 10th Edition Dark Angels 10th Edition 40k rules have been spotted for Detachments and Stratagems; check out what the army can do!
Considering this is a supplement and not a full codex, it looks like there are only three detachments this time around, but it should still give you a lot of variety when combined with the standard Space Marines codex. We saw GW preview two of these, but it’s nice to know what all the detachments can do. Let’s jump into the new rules.
New 10th Edition 40k Dark Angels Detachments & Rules!
Here is the latest on all the new Dark Angels 10th Edition 40k rules.
The detachment rule isn’t the most exciting thing ever, but this should make the army far better at keeping objectives and the point scoring rolling throughout the game. However, some very interesting enhancements either make your units hit hard, gain FNP, or stand a character back up. It’s cool to see them gain more while battle-shocked, as this is the first iteration of it in the 10th Edition.
Unforgiven Fury can be super strong a long as you have one battle shocked units, as you get lethal hits on a 5+! Then, there are a few ways you can make your units tougher: fire back and shoot and charge when you fall back.
Ravenwing Company of Hunters Detachment
Being able to shoot after advancing or falling back with your entire army is no joke! This is a huge buff for your army and should let you be super maneuverable through the entire game. While you could already take a bunch, this rule will allow you to take up to 6 units of Outriders and really only have a fully mounted army!
This is pretty huge, as it not only allows you to put more units in reserve but also, on turn two, you can come in from any table edge! This means you can really take your opponent by surprise with a huge unit in their backfield starting turn two. If you go first, your opponent will have only had one turn to move. Then, the other Enhancements give you even more maneuverability.
Hunter’s trails is strong since you probably won’t have many units with sticky objectives.
Giving a unit -1 to hit for only 1 CP is always a good stratagem, which has the feel of the old Jink saves.
This one is much more situational, but if you can get a bunch of precision weapons or just find a character out on their own, it is very strong.
Deathwing Inner Circle Detachment 10th Edition 40k Dark Angels Rules
Since you won’t have many units, you’ll need the extra firepower to get your opponents off their objectives, and this rule is a great way to do it. They also mention Belial will give a unit Precision on Critical Hits, meaning you can kill characters in units and on objectives even more easily. Singular Will can let you move across combats much easier, and give you the extra mobility you need.
Being able to always deep strike on the first turn is pretty strong, but it’s quite awesome when combined with Teleport Homers!
For 1 CP, Martial Mastery is quite strong as you’ll get full Wound re-rolls next to your Vowed Objective Marker. Then, getting to fight with dead Terminators on a 3+ will let you get some of your points value out of those expensive models.
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