Pariah Contents & New 40k Datasheets Lineup SPOTTED!

sister of battle wal hor imagePsychic Awakening Pariah isn’t here just yet but GW just revealed the Table of Contents and what new 40k Rules Datasheets are in the book.

Warhammer Community, supplemented by commentary from WarhammerTV on Twitch, began talking more on Psychic Awakening’s Pariah. Take a look at everything we know on the book as well as the latest Table of Contents to be shown both in-stream and on their site!

Pariah Contents & New 40k Datasheets Lineup SPOTTED!

illuminor szeras


inquisitor draxus 1


sisters of battle pariah ephrael stern and bodyguardWe’ve already seen a bunch of new models in store for this wave of Psychic Awakening. From Illuminor Szeras and Inquisitor Draxus to Ephrael Stern and the Pariah, there is a lot of character support on the way. Following the usual amount of Psychic Awakening support, we can expect AT LEAST a page dedicated to each faction.

However, following the pattern more closely, the Imperium is probably going to get most of the spotlight. We saw the Creations of Bile get little content in War of the Spider than the other factions.

Valerian & AleyaWe really don’t know anything other than the characters that were previewed earlier. With Ephrael Stern and the Pariah most likely dropping as a two-person box, it might be similar to Valerian and Aleya, which we’ve just seen Sisters of Silence and Custodes linking up to form the Talons of the Emperor.

GW Reveals Table of Contents for Psychic Awakening: Pariah- Latest

psychic awakening pariah table of contentsWith all of that said, rules may still be a mystery but the layout of Pariah no longer is. Here is a clean pic from GW showcasing the Table of Contents in Pariah.

Overall, it looks like surprisingly, the Inquisition is what’s going to make the most of Pariah. While Szeras and Ephrael are still in the book (counting toward Necrons and Sisters of Battle), they’re only getting about two pages-worth of support. Whereas the Inquisition is getting a whopping 19 pages.

inquisitorNow, before the internet explodes it’s worth mentioning that the Inquisition support is probably going to be 90% recycled from the White Dwarf from a few months back that gave the Inquisition more rules, and kept armies from breaking faction rules as well.

We’ve already seen this with rules recycling/updating from White Dwarf that just hit the Officio Assassinorum  inside War of the Spider already.

Pariah Includes New Mission Twists

necron wal horAs for everything else in the Table of Contents, the GW team on Twitch mentioned there being thematic scenarios of fighting through a Necron tomb world as well as details on what it’s like to fight on other areas rarely thought about like Daemon worlds, a Hive world, etc.

sanity blasting landscape


skull altar


field of warThese are just a taster of the rules twists you can add to your games.

Pariah includes new Theatres of War rules which let you transform your battlefield into one of the blasted war zones seen throughout the Psychic Awakening saga.

After seeing the Table of Contents revealed, Pariah might not be exactly what we thought was in store for us. However, if you’ve been looking for a chance to field your Inquisition in a new way…Well, this book looks to be your best shot as we see 8th Edition come to a close.

Are you surprised to see so much support come to the Inquisition? Do you think it’ll just be recycled White Dwarf goods? 

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