What’s Next From GW? Fall New Releases Roadmap

new-gw-releases-happy-guars-man-crispLove GW miniatures? Check out what new Warhammer releases may be on the way and in roughly what order, in our latest GW release roadmap.

The release roadmap is back and more loaded than ever. Don’t miss the GW’s latest new releases roadmap for fall 2020 that is filling up fast with new model previews, and rumors as well.

What’s Next From GW? Fall New Releases Roadmap

GW The Future of Codexes Preview

Warhammer Community has been busy previewing batch after batch of what’s on the way along in their engaging online previews

2020 has been an interesting year to say the least, and with previews still going strong for all avenues of Games Workshop, there are still plenty of releases waiting to hit the shelves. With that said, we’ll be going over what’s left to get released headed into the winter and into 2021.

House of Artifice Pushed Back After Iron

necromunda roadmap updateWe haven’t heard much of anything about the next Necromunda house, but we do know that they are the next house. With House of Iron just coming out, House of Artifice is next on the docket for Necromunda players still. Keep your eyes peeled or more details.

GW Reveals New Blood Bowl Season 2 Starter Set

blood bowl boxed setHours of playtesting and feedback from many of the best players in the world have gone into crafting the very best edition of Blood Bowl to date – putting into practice more than 30 years of game development. At its heart, it’s the same Blood Bowl you all know and love, but polished to perfection to improve the gaming experience for everyone. 

A first look at the cover art for the new Blood Bowl starter box set shows what looks like Orc against the Bogenhafen Barons, we’ll be taking a closer look at those Imperials on the left in just a minute.

Blood bowl new contents

With the new online preview, we got a bunch more looks inside this new box. Which as you can see has everything you could possibly need for a two-person game between the Humans and Orcs in Blood Bowl.

Both teams are complete – like REALLY complete – featuring their own updated Star Player and Big Guy models, so you’ve got everything you need to play through a full league right out of the box.

Although we did get a look at these guys before we now have a full look at the entire team, including that gigantic ogre!

The Bögenhafen Barons are led by Griff Oberwald, and they brought along an Ogre to bolster their Line of Scrimmage. Imperial Nobility teams are flashier and more focused on a strong running game and defence when compared to a standard Human team, making them a nice alternative all-rounder option.

Blood bowl new ork teamFacing off against the Humans we got a brand new Black Ork team, running down the pitch with their very own Ogre as well!

Not to be outdone, the Thunder Valley Greenskins have hired Varag Ghoul-Chewer and convinced a Trained Troll to join them, giving their playbook a few heavy-hitting options. If you like Orcs but don’t love Animosity, you’ll find Black Orcs are a bit more disciplined.

Warhammer Underworlds: Direchasm

With a new season of Underworlds a brand new start box is on the way as well. With this box set featuring Lumineth and Slaanesh forces.

lumineth dire chasmNew to Warhammer Underworlds are the Lumineth Realm-lords – Myari’s Purifiers have come to pacify the anguish of the tormented mountain. Featuring four strong fighters, each with their own strengths, they’re a warband that can do everything – they’ve got magic, ranged attacks, and two different styles of powerful melee.

For the first half of the box, we got a Warband of Lumineth Realmlords. Each carries a defining weapon for the Realmlords, and are all conveniently propped up on some rock formations… Perhaps for tactical advantage?

Slaanesh direchasmWhile the Purifiers want to calm Beastgrave, the Dread Pageant seeks to draw strength from its pain. The dark mirror to the Lumineth fighters, these mortal followers of Slaanesh also feature four fighters with very different play styles, making for an aggressive and flexible warband with a twist. Their deck includes loads of ways to manipulate enemy fighters, and your own warriors will Inspire when they inflict AND receive wounds! What could be more thematic?

New Kill Team On The Way

Flayed one kill team videoThere’s no mistaken that lovely face, it’s a Flayed One. However, why is it in a Kill Team trailer and why hasn’t the Flayed One plastic kit released yet?

Kill team pariahWhatever this Kill Team release is, it’s coming in 2021. Safe money is a new revamp to work with 9th Edition, as well as some Battlezone that may contain other characters and units like the Flayed Ones…  Let’s hope we see the plastic Flayed One kit before then!

Grand Alliance Warcry Tomes

Warcry grand alliance booksEach book takes a deep dive into Death, Destruction, Chaos, or Order, including background tables, lore, and loads more. If you’ve been waiting for your favourite Warhammer Age of Sigmar army to be fully represented in Warcry, these books are for you. Put your existing armies to use in quick, intense skirmish combat – or lead them in a campaign to achieve their own objectives against all odds.

Other than hinting at a potential release coming very very soon, this seems to be a decent size update. Getting each grand Alliance into warcry is no small task given just how much variety there is in each. New warbands for your current models, profiles, monsters, and quests to match…

With the scale of warcry growing, it looks like it’s becoming the AoS version of kill team.

Magaera & Styrix Knights For Adeptus Titanicus

AT KnightsLooks like the rumors were true and now the Magaera and Styrix Knights are confirmed with new rules for Adeptus Titanicus!

While not as massive as the God-like titans these Mechanicum Questor Knights are powerhouses in their own right. Some people have even been forgoing the bigger titans and running entire armies of smaller Knights. While we don’t suggest that (you’re playing AT, after all…) these new Questor Knights make a great addition to your forces.

Turns out, they work well in tandem, with the Styrix knocking down the void shields and then the Magaera blasting the unshielded titans to pieces.

40k Codex Roadmap Revealed

40k codex Road mapHere is the timeline for the releases.

November 2020:

  • Deathwatch
  • Space Wolves

First up are the two Marine supplements. Nothing surprising there, but both Space Wolves and Deathwatch are going to be getting some new rules and toys very soon! We’re not sure what type mini of releases will be going along with the books, but maybe another special character or two?

December 2020:

  • Blood Angels
  • Death Guard

Next, there’s the Death Guard which have already had two models showcased. It looks like there’s some kind of Plague Furnace terrain piece as well as the new Lord of Virulence. No stats on these guys, but as for the Lord of Virulence, he’s got what looks to be a double-barrel Plaguespitter and a Power Fist.

death guard new terrain 1



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Lord of VirrulenceAgain, nothing shocking as we knew they were in the works. It’s nice to see something other than a Space Marine codex in there, however! In an earlier post we saw all four of these books announced, just not the exact schedule.

5 New Warhammer 40k Models Teased Teased

Indomitus day Lelith 2Next up is very clearly a female Dark Eldar model. Who may just be another rumor engine bit we saw a while back.

Indomitus day Lelith 1A close up on the arm makes the Dark Eldar Iconography even more clear, is it the mightly Lelith Hesperax?

Indomitus day ad mech 1After that, there is a very clearly Ad Mech model holding a small scepter.

Indomitus day ad mech 2The model also has an almost “Captain Morgan” style pose, making it seem more likely to be a character.

Indomitus day ork 1Last of the teases is an Ork model. Perhaps an updated Boy?

Indomitus day ork 2Whatever it is, they appear to have a lizard or dinosaur style skin on their head.

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Indomitus day sister teaseLast up is an actually confirmed model! After taking a look at this sword we get a full look at the model.

Indomitus day sister This is a Palatine – a battlefield commander who works under a Canoness to coordinate Adepta Sororitas forces and smite any heretics who get in her way.

Captain with Master-Crafted Heavy Bolt Rifle

captain with master crafted boltorThis captain will surely shoot like a beast and he is also wearing Gravis Armor, so he’ll be hard to take down. His Captain status is sure to bring a great aura or two as well.

Wait a minute… a heavy bolt rifle? Yes, indeed! Heavy bolt rifles also happen to be the standard armament of… wait for it… Heavy Intercessors!

Heavy Intercessors

Heavy Intecessor datasheetAnd they’re called that for a reason – like their Captain, these bad-boys aren’t just heavily armed, they’re heavily armoured too, thanks to their Gravis armour. A Toughness 5 Troops unit with 3 Wounds apiece, anyone?

The datasheet doesn’t lie, these heavy troops pack a serious punch. Gravis is now coming as a troop choice is nice too. Now your elite primaris force has an even more elite troop option that can bring the heavy support if need be.


Eradicators Squad

The kit includes loads more options, such as the ability to swap out their melta rifles for an even harder-hitting heavy version. You’ll even be able to give one Eradicator in the set a multi-melta, complete with its devastating new profile.

This re-release from Indomitus is now also multi-part, so you should get a little more freedom with it than any Indomitus versions you may have. With of course the new Multi-Melta upgrade option for at least one model in the squard.

Bladeguard Veterans

bladeguard vet multipartAs of the new codex, Bladeguard Veterans will also be officially picking up the Deathwing/Wolf Guard keywords too, so they’ll seamlessly fit in as members of the fighting elite within the structure of the Dark Angels and Space Wolves Chapters.

blade guard veterans gw preview multi-partThese new Bladeguard Veterans will also be coming in a new multipart kit so you’ll have more poses and kits to choose from. Hurrah for freedom of choice!

Assault Intercessors

Assault Intecessor squadA multipart Assault Intercessors kit is also on its way. In addition to more flexible posing options throughout, the squad’s Sergeant can be assembled with a hand flamer or plasma pistol, and can even wield a power sword, power fist, or thunder hammer too!

Not only does this kit include super sweet weapon options now, but also fun running legs to for all those primaris models that just wanna go fast! Let’s face it, if you are not first, you’re last right?

New Space Marines Gladiator Tank!

Gladiator tankYou could build a Gladiator Lancer – an anti-tank sniper that’s ideal for chewing through your opponents’ most durable war machines and monsters.

Gladiator variant 2Next up is the Gladiator Reaper, a great anti-infantry option that’s sure to tear through hordes of infantry models.

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Gladiator variant 3Gladiator Valiant – a short-ranged armour hunter that uses twin las-talons and multi-meltas to scrap armour and heavy infantry alike. 

Space Marines Storm Speeder

The rumors were true, Primaris Space Marines are getting a new speeder- check out all the variants and rules for the Storm Speeder!

Stormstike speeder 1

There’s no questioning it, that pixelated image we saw back in 2019 is right here! There will be three loadout variants, so let’s check them out.

Storm Speeder hail strikeAs the option containing the minigun style turret its fair to assume this is going to be the anti-troop option with more shots at lower damage and rend then the others.

Storm Speeder THunderstrikeThe Thunderstrike ditches the minigun for a heavier gun and a new top turret. Perhaps offering a slightly heavier, anti-armor option, without going all in.

Storm speeder hammer strikeAnd the last of the Strom speeders is the Hammerstrike. Luckily for us, we actually saw this one’s datasheet so we don’t even have to guess what it might do!

storm speeder hammerstrike datasheetPretty standard speeder with good movement, an okay stat line (for a lightly armored vehicle), and great weapons. It appears to be the heaviest of the three options, and the weapon load-outs support that.

Two shots at S8 AP -3 and 3 Damage is a slugfest in the making, no to mention the Melta Destroyer giving it three more shots instead at AP -4 and D6 damage with +2 damage at half range.

Shadow & Pain Battlebox Set on the Way for AoS!

Shadow and Pain BoxsetThis new boxset comes with two brand new character models for the Daughters of Khaine and Hedonites of Slaanesh faction, along with some new cavalry models for the ladder.

Lord of painThe invading forces are commanded by a Lord of Pain. This champion of Slaanesh has sampled every vice and excess the Mortal Realms have to offer and mastered the arts of agony. On the tabletop, this translates to him channelling the pain he receives in combat, sharing it with those who inflicted it, then striking them down with his wicked soulpiercer mace.

First up leading the Slannesh forces is the Lord of Pain. He is actually one of the first mortal characters for Slannesh in AoS in quite awhile. So those mortal enthusiasts out there should be happy!

Melusai IronscaleLeading the Daughters of Khaine is a Melusai Ironscale. Crafted from the most vengeful souls among all the aelves, this elite war leader is resistant to hostile magics and can channel Morathi’s might to turn foes into immobile – but fully conscious – crystal statues. In your games, that means enemies need to beware mortal wounds.

As for the Daughters of Khaine, the Melusai Ironscale is leading the army while looking quite intimidating to her enemies. The army hasn’t seen much support in a while so this is definitely welcome to anyone playing the faction.

Broken Realms: Morathi

AoS Broken Realms MorathiThe new book will be spicing things up in AoS big time! If you want to see what types of rules were teased, you can check out our post here. This seems to be somewhat similar to the Psychic Awakening books that 40k got last year. This aims to be a supplement for a small handful of factions, with big story advancements.

With the Book, there were also three new sets spotted for AoS to go along with the release.

Idoneth Deepkin Set

Idoneth Deepkin set


Idoneth Deepkin set rulesIt doesn’t look like you’ll get a ton in this set, but with the new rules, you’ll be able to field the Bloodsurf Hunt battalion.

Slaves to Darkness

Slaves to Darkness set


Slaves to Darkness set rulesBring the chariots and destroy those weaklings not aligned with the darkness! Both boxes so far look to be focused around 3 bigger minis to achieve the battalion.

Stormcast Eternals

Stormcast Eternals box


Stormcast Eternals box rulesWhile no big models are in this one, you get a decent amount of minis. This hunter battalion is perfect for tracking down the enemies of Sigmar!

Cities of Sigmar

Cities of Sigmar box


Cities of Sigmar box setWith this kit, you get a bunch of smaller models and a single big dragon. This sorceress leads a very flexible force to the battlefield.

These were spotted on the bottom of the new Broken Realms page, so we’ll have to wait and see what more they reveal about the boxes!

We know this is a lot to digest so be sure to take your time counting up all of the kits we’re bound to see sometime in the near future.

In the meantime, what do you think will be next in the GW previews? Would you like to see more Warbands come to Warcry? What’s your favorite variant for the Gladiator?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today! 

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