New 40k Rules: Custodes, Sisters of Silence & Assassins

sisters of silence talons of the emperor custodesThere is a crazy amount of new 40k rules in-store as GW just previewed Custodes, Sisters of Silence and Assassin rules that are in War of the Spider!

Warhammer Community just dropped rules for three more factions coming inside War of the Spider. Check out all the latest on the Custodes, Sisters of Silence, and Assassins in 40k.

New 40k Rules: Custodes, Sisters of Silence & Assassins

psychic awakening war of the spider

Everything On The Adeptus Custodes

adeptus custodes new 8th edition warhammer 40k wal hor


custodes stratagem fraternity of heroesStarting with Stratagems first, Custodes are getting a 1CP Strat that allows any Custodes unit to heroically intervene. This is nice, however with only moving 3″, it probably won’t see as much play as the Blood Angel’s Unbridled Ardour.

custodes stratagem superior fire patternsNow this one is something we’re sure to see a lot of. 1CP to double the output of rapid-fire and pistol weapons is insanely strong. Especially if we see a meta shift to a big 10-man blob of Custode Guard. That would be 40 2-damage shots coming out of one unit.

Custodes Getting Subfactions (Shield Hosts)

custodes tribuneThe really exciting development in War of the Spider is the option to field your Adeptus Custodes as one of five Shield Hosts. Each has a unique Warlord Trait, Relic and Stratagem that reflect its background.

While each Shield Host is getting a Warlord Trait, Relic, and Strat, WHC gave us a little teaser of a few…

Emissaries Imperatus Shield Host

custodes stratagem the emperors handFor this Shield Host, they’re getting a 1CP Strat that allows you to outright ignore any modifiers when you shoot or fight. Got some -1 to hit Raven Guard Eliminators in cover? Well, now you can delete them.

Shadowkeepers Shield Host

custodes warlord trait lockwarden

For the Shadowkeepers, their Warlord Trait makes them a nightmare for enemy characters. Your opponent’s characters specifically will be -1 to hit on your Warlord and your Warlord will force them to subtract 1 from all saves, including invulns against characters. He’ll be the chief nutcracker in your list.

Solar Watch Shield Host

custodes relic the swiftsilver talonFor the Solar Watch, they’ve had the Swiftsilver Talon teased which is a souped-up Guardian Spear. On this model alone, he’ll have four 2-damage shots and in melee, it’ll act like a regular spear. Overall, you’ll have way more reach than anyone expects with this weapon also having an Assault profile. Probably best of all is the ability to fall back, and/or advance and still assault afterward.


You Can Spend 1CP To Turn Shield Captains Into a Captain-Commander

Adeptus Custodes Wal HorAlso touched on during the Warhammer TV Live Twitch stream, Shield Captains will have access to a new set of rules for 1CP.

Of course, you’ll need someone to lead your Shield Host, and War of the Spider includes an option to promote one of your Shield-Captains into a Captain-Commander. Costing just a single Command Point, this allows you to personalise the leader of your army by giving them a Captain-Commander Trait.

custodes indomitable constitutionOne of those rules will give your Captain-Commander +2 wounds, making him sit at a fat 8 wounds.

custodes master of meleeIf you suspect your Shield-Captain is going to be going against something like Orks, Nids or GSC, Master of Melee will give him a bonus 2 attacks if he’s got six or more enemy models within 1″. This will be a little tricky to pull off, but if you charge a character and a unit next to him, then you can eat that poor character alive.

Talons of the Emperor: Sisters of Silence Are Now A Part of The Custodes!

Sisters of Silence artThe curse has been lifted! The Custodes will finally have a cheaper aspect added to their army.

Thanks to their Talons of the Emperor rule, the Sisters of Silence can be added into any Adeptus Custodes army. However, what if you wanted to add them into another Imperial force? The Null-Maidens rule can help you out.

sisters of silence null maidensThe Sisters of Silence are coming with a sweet rule that allows you to take them in a Vanguard Detachment without having to bring an HQ. This frees players up to take a Vanguard of Sisters in any Imperial Soup list.

sisters of silence psychic abominationOn top of that, Psychic Abomination protects them from Psyker-heavy lists like Thousand Sons and Grey knights. However, if you’re running a Psyker heavy list with some Sisters, your opponents will have a harder time Denying the Witch.


sisters of silence empyric severanceYIKES, that’s powerful. We’ve seen how brutal a 50/50 deny chance is for the Black Templars. However, Sisters of Silence are going to be able to Deny the Witch on a 3+. The best part is that you’re still allowed to attempt to roll the dice to Deny before you pop this Strat. Next stop value town!

sisters of silence purgation sweepThis one is interesting. If you’re taking flamer Sisters in your list, you can spend 1/2CP depending on how big your squad is and count any roll less than 4 for auto-hits as a 4. Decently strong.

Officio Assassinorum Rules

Imperial AssassinsFor the Assassinorum, they’ve just had two new Stratagems previewed.

officio assassinorum shadow assignmentThe way this is worded, it looks like you can spend 2Cp to pull a better Assassin that’s more suited to go up against the army you’re about to face. It’s a unique toolbox ability but at 2CP, it might not be used all too often.

officio assassinorum priority threat neutralizedBut of course, the Assassinorum is getting a 0CP Strat and you can get 1CP back if you kill a character (2 if it’s the Warlord). Obviously, the Assassin best-fitted for this is the Vindicare and can farm CP back consistently with this. He’ll probably be the “most used” Assassin in lists starting off.

Whew! That was a lot to cover but the forces of the Imperium are getting a bunch of new goodies to use as we move closer into 9th Edition.

Which Imperial Faction’s rules look the best out of what was talked about above? Will we see small Sisters of Silence contingents in different lists in the future? 

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