New Chaos Creations of Fabius Bile 40k Rules

fabius bile walFabius Bile is also coming along with all-new 40k rules for his own army called the Creations of Bile in War of the Spider. Check out the latest now!

Warhammer Community just announced some of the rules coming with the Creations of Bile inside War of the Spider. Here are all the official previews to date. In case you missed it, here is Fabius Bile’s rules that were previewed earlier.

New Chaos Creations of Fabius Bile 40k Rules

Fabius BileIn the lore, Bile is known for the terrible bargains he strikes – those who seek to employ the skills of the Clonelord have to pay a pretty penny for his services.* However, on the tabletop, those who follow him get a free faction bonus, as long as the army is Battle-forged.

creations of bile experimental enhancementsGetting a slightly less-good Blood Angels faction rule, all of the Creations of Bile will be adding +1 to their movement and Strength (instead of +1 to wound overall). While it might not be “as good” as the Blood Angels faction rule, the Creations of Bile are also still getting more unique rules.

creations of bile helm of all seeingFor relics, they’re getting a 5+ CP refunder, which is decent. Especially since you get to roll a D6 for each CP you spend.


creations of bile stratagem macrotensile sinewsThere it is! There’s the other half of the Blood Angels new Chapter Tactic…You just have to pay points for it and you can only select one unit so….less good. However, what makes this Stratagem especially good is that you can advance AND charge. (essentially reaping +2″) for 1Cp. Mega value.

creations of bile stratagem monstrous visagesFor another CP, you can turn one unit into a bunch of spooky bois, making all enemies within 6″ -1 to hit. This is extremely good if you are going against someone using a bunch of small melee units to control the board. However, we’ve seen earlier that (+1/-1) to hit modifiers are capped at a single instance so it sounds like it won’t have any effect on things like powerfists or Thunder Hammers.

After seeing what’s been previewed, it looks like the Creations of Bile will definitely see play and bring some unique things to the table.

Do you think these Stratagems have a competitive element to them? What other relics would you like to see the Creations of Bile get?

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