RUMORS: 9th Edition 40k Release Date & Product Lineup

hor of space marine and chaosThese rumors may reveal what’s around the corner for 9th Edition 40k, new release lineup wise and the date it could go on pre-order and hit store shelves!

If you didn’t get into 40k right around the time of 7th edition’s end then you might not remember any of this. But it’s already been three years since 8th edition hit the spotlight for 40k.

We’ll be looking at how 40k made the transition from 7th edition into 8th edition as well as what we could be seeing release after 9th Edition finally drops.

How 40k Went From 7th Edition to 8th Edition

Back in late April of 2017, we saw the announcement video break the silence of a new edition on Warhammer 40,000’s Facebook.

A brand new edition of Warhammer 40,000 is on the way – the game you’ve been asking for, the setting you love – the best Warhammer 40,000 there’s ever been.

By this point, we didn’t know any rules formatting of how the game would play. We just knew that a new edition was coming.

codex collage horAfter that announcement, people who had just bought a 7th edition codex for their army were pretty upset. They just dropped almost $50 on something that was going to be obsolete in a few months. Well, GW more than likely trying to turn over a new leaf from what they did to Warhammer Fantasy Battles, announced that they would buy everyone’s books back if they got them within a certain time.


gw tm

Dark Imperium Starter Box Set: 8th Edition 40k


After the teaser video made waves across the internet, a new Box Set called Dark Imperium featuring Primaris and Death Guard minis got the spotlight.

Dark Imperium

2017’s Dark imperium Box Set

8th Edition Starter Set: featuring 53 miniatures and includes the hardcover 8th Edition rulebook $160

  • 53 brand new Citadel miniatures
  • Hardback 40K Rulebook (280 pages)
  • Death Guard book (24 pages)
  • Primaris Space Marines book (24 pages)
  • Core Rules reference booklet (8 pages)
  • Colour assembly guide for all miniatures
  • 12 red D6 dice
  • range ruler
  • Decal sheet for Space Marines

The key takeaway to note here was that this was a Box Set that contained the brand new 8th edition rule book and went on pre-order June 3rd, 2017.  So GW announced a new edition, bought everyone’s old books back who made a recent purchase so they didn’t waste their money, and came out with a Box Set to help hype up the new edition. 

Release Accessories:

If 9th edition’s launch is anything like we saw for 8th look for things like dice, rules, and card packs to be available for a limited time only:

Here was the pricing for all the 8th Edition Accessories

8th edition stock accessories
Tactical Objective Cards $12.50
Sector Imperialis Objectives $33
Command Dice  $20
Wound Trackers $12.50
Combat Gauge $10
Dark Imperium Novel $32

Now That We’re Well into 8th Edition, How Have These Three Years Been?

nurgle walTL;DR: Things are pretty bloated and basically just like the way GW carefully words their previews, we could do the same and say they basically went back on everything they promised for 8th edition.

That being said the game itself is probably the best version its ever been, and the most fun, but there is no denying that it is a constant chore to keep up with.

IndexBookCollectionENG01Since the start of 8th edition, we’ve seen the steady rules bloat that we thought were behind us. From the first wave of supplements to codexes, to both Vigilus books, to a second wave of codexes, to new codex supplements for Marines, to all the new Psychic Awakening books, and to the White Dwarfs that have rules for Assassins, Inquisition, Deathwatch, and Harlequins all in different volumes, there is so much information out there to keep track of. 


codex supplements bundle






psychic awakening book 1-5Since so many FAQs have dropped making some books nearly obsolete as well as new books introducing more rules, a new edition might be the reset button we need.

Rumors of 9th Edition Proved to Be True

necron wal horChapter Master Valrak on B&C dropped some added info on what we can expect to see about the rumored “new 40k edition”.

next summer (2020 time frame) 9th edition, marines and Necrons.

I wouldn’t expect it to be like 8th edition. More like AOS 2.0 where all the books stay current with the exception of the main rule book which is fine-tuned. 
From a business point of view having a new edition, next year seems like the only logical outcome in my opinion.
This rumor was dropped a while back but look at that. Things were pretty spot on. We’re in the summer of 2020 and we are looking at a bunch of new Marines and Necrons.

Psychic Awakening To 40k 9th Edition?

space marine wal championSpotted on BoLS, the source of an Industry Insider mentioned:

  • Psychic Awakening is setting the framework/testing what’s ahead for 9th edition.
  • The Psychic Phase is getting reworked. (Which might be why we haven’t seen much psychic support in Psychic Awakening).
  • Keywords will be reworked.
  • More aspects of AoS will be ported over into the game. (We still don’t know about flat wound rolls).
  • More codex supplements will continue to come out before 9th Edition drops.
  • Look for 9th Edition 40k to hit sometime in 2020.
  • Endless Psychic Powers are coming. Similar to Endless Spells in AoS. (This would make sense to see with the new “awakening” of Psykers across real-space).
  • The Endless Psychic Powers will be coming in a small box set similar to Malign Sorcery in AoS when Endless Spells were first introduced.
  • Flyers might be getting a total rework on how they operate.

More rumors tagged along adding even more weight. While all of the details from this rumor aren’t revealed just yet (like Endless psychic powers), we know that it was also accurate on guessing a new Edition.

RUMORS: 9th Edition 40k Release Date & Product Lineup

primaris 9th edition preview


necron 9th edition previewThese two images were separated from a bigger army shot of Necrons and Primaris making us believe that this could be the new Box Set on the way. 

9th edition faq box setOn top of that, they answered a question about a Box Set during some FAQs, and now GW confirmed a new Box Set dropping with 9th Edition. Could it be the new Primaris and Necrons we saw during the previews?

If It Is A Box Set, Will It Follow The Dark Imperium Release Pattern?

If you remember Dark Imperium’s contents, you’ll know that every kit inside was mono-pose and had no choice of wargear. Although it featured all-new units, there was no customization. However, months later, we saw Intercessors get their kit with some different weapon options. Eventually, Death Guard followed-suit and had Morty drop along with the faction in September 2017.

captain in gravis armorIt’s also worth noting that some units inside the Dark Imperium Box Set never even made it to an individual kit. Look at the Captain in Gravis armor for example. He’s solid for his points, but the only place you can find him is from this starter. It’s been three years since his release and we still don’t have anything. The Primaris Ancient is in the same boat as well.

If GW does the same thing with a unit or two out of the proposed 9th Edition Box Set, you may want to heavily consider grabbing one instead of waiting for everything’s individual multipart kits.

GW Code-Named 9th Edition 40k Like a Secret Movie Project

GW codenamed the release of 9th this time around, but it looks like the novel that is accompanying the new edition is set to release on June 23rd according to port manifests. If that IS the case we could expect to see GW put the new edition box set on pre-order June 20th for a June 27th or July 4th delivery.

scarlet rulebook 5

Ultimately, we’re stuck waiting for more official announcements to drop. However, so far things are looking to follow the same pattern as to when 8th Edition first dropped.

So do you think there could be a 9th Edition Starter Box? Will 9th Edition reset the clock on all the rules bloating?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!