Indomitus Primaris Character 9th Ed. 40k Rules REVEALED

primaris-sprues-40k-starter-box-set-9thDon’t miss all the new 40k rules datasheets for the Primaris Space Marines character models that are coming inside the Indomitus Box Set!

Spotted on Reddit, we’ve got a full look at the datasheets for new Primaris hotness from the Indomitus Box that’s about to hit the shelves. Here’s a close-up rundown on all the character models first.

Indomitus Primaris Character 9th Ed. 40k Rules REVEALED

primaris captain datasheetThis Captain is probably going to be a big hit. His biggest weakness is the lack of mobility. However, with a couple of these guys in your ranks, you’ll have a solid speedbump unit that your opponents will be forced to dedicate resources to. He’s only T4 but with the newly redesigned shield rules, he’ll have a 2+/4++ FNP vs. Mortal Wounds and a 4+ Inv from the Iron Halo. Plus, with six attacks going into the first round of combat, he’s capable of soloing a whole unit of Intercessors by himself.

Primaris Lieutenant

primaris lieutenant datasheetBringing in another character with a storm shield, this is the best-equipped Primaris LT we’ve ever seen. He’s sporting a brand new ranged weapon and comes with a 2+/4++ and a two-damage power sword. He’s outclassing every other Primaris LT out there lol.

Primaris Chaplain

primaris chaplain datasheetFrom what we can tell from the childish placement of that post-it, the only difference between this Chaplain and the current Primaris Chaplain is that the Absolver Bolt Pistol is getting +2″ of range and +1 Damage. In addition, the Crozius Arcanum he’ll be cracking heads with is now +2 Strength.

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primaris judiciar datasheetOn the Judiciar, we can see the updated Absolver Bolt Pistol profile once again. As a quick synopsis for this guy, he looks like the Loyalist equivalent to the Master of Executions. All of his rules are centered around doing damage in combat, getting a better Save in combat, and picking out an enemy unit forcing them to fight last.

He’s a solid dude to seed into your force although once again, his big weakness is mobility.

Bladeguard Ancient

Indomitus Bladeguard Ancient & Eradicators


primaris bladeguard ancient datasheetThe Bladeguard Ancient is a new type of banner-bearer with an updated Banner rule. You still roll a 4+ after a model dies to see if they fight. However, you only do it AFTER the enemy is done attacking that unit within the banner’s range. That way, there’s no interruption in the shooting/fight phase to let a dude roll a 4+, creating weird math subtracting attacks from the opponent’s unit because the guy that attacked out of sequence killed a dude…You see how convoluted that could get.

In addition, the Bladeguard Ancient will REALLY be a nice bonus to the Bladeguard Ancients, which are storm shield/ power sword-wielding Primaris dudes that can slap in close combat.

Indomitus box armiesWe also have rumored Points values for all the new Primaris Space Marines as well that you can check out in this article.

This has been a quick look at the characters inside Indomitus. Be sure to also check out our datasheet review of the non-character units that’ll be found inside the Box Set as well.


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What’s the strongest character inside this box overall? With 2-damage weapons on the rise, are multi-wound models slowly becoming less and less effective? 

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