New Deathwatch Rules Make Them a 40k Death Star

Deathwatch-40k-hor-wal-titleDeathwatch look poised to become a new 40k Death Star depending on how the Space Marine codex rules shake out- here’s why.

We saw the announcement on what looks to be every regular Space Marine unit going up a wound as well as getting some wargear upgrades. After weeks of seeing different updated datasheets emerge across the web, GW finally put out a post confirming the changes..

Now that the word is out, it’s got us thinking about Deathwatch, as a kitted-out Veteran unit may be able to do some WORK on the table.

Are Deathwatch About to Be 40k’s Death Star?

vanguard veteran tactics

We’ve taken the current Deathwatch Veteran datasheet and made some adjustments according to the patterns we’ve seen on other changing units. Disclaimer: we haven’t seen the Biker datasheet updated yet so it’s a bit of grey area if they’ll be going up a wound for sure. However, it wouldn’t surprise us.

With that out of the way, we can see that Veteran Squads are going to be able to absorb more punishment on the tabletop. Of course, an extra wound is great but where these guys really shine is in their wargear (which is also changing) and special ammo.

Here are some notable changes that we know are on the way:

    • Heavy Bolters: These upscaled bolt weapons are set to become Damage 2, as befits the unmitigated brutality of being hit by a hail of armour-piercing, mass-reactive shells the size of tin cans!
    • FlamersFlamers and heavy flamers are moving to Range 12″, all the better to dissuade enemy assaults and hose your enemies down with liquid fire. 
    • Melta Weapons: with a flat +2 Damage bonus replacing its current ability, resulting in a whopping Damage potential of 8! What’s more, the rules team have put the ‘multi’ into multi-melta, as it’s doubling up to Heavy 2!
    • Power SwordsPower swords are due to get a +1 Strength modifier, all the better for chopping up tougher foes with their energy-wreathed blades.
    • Chainswords: Astartes-grade chainswords wielded by Space Marines both new and old will be hitting at AP -1
    • Plasma Overheats on unmodified 1’s: Supercharged plasma weaponry will soon only ever overheat on an unmodified roll of a 1, so attempting to shoot fleet-winged Aircraft no longer carries a death sentence.


    9th-edition-company-command-datasheetLooking at the datasheet of a Space Marine Company Command, probably the most impactful tweak is to the humble boltgun. It’s now got a whopping 30″ range.

    Applying These Changes to Deathwatch



    specialist ammuniotion deathwatchObviously, the most versatile weapon for the deathwatch is anything with the BOLTER keyword. So far we’ve seen:

    • Heavy Bolter- 2 flat damage (new 9th Edition change)
    • boltgun- 30″ (rapid-fire at 15″) This is great for a more longe-range list build
    • Storm Bolter- unchanged. -You’re basically sacrificing range for shot output also, the SB went up +1 pt now 3pts each. 

    Here are some solid ways to make the most of your Vanguard models (but remember points are bound to fluctuate with future changes).

    The Heavy Bolter Chonk Squad

    Deathwatch Watch captain artemisWe could see an Infantry-hunting unit mixed with Terminators and regular power armor dudes. The main job of the Terminator is to be a wound soak for the rest of the squad. With a 2+/5++/ and 3 wounds, it’ll take some work getting rid of a couple of them in a squad. On that note, you’ll want to give everyone else a Heavy Bolter.

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    We saw how it’s going to be flat 2 damage in the future and combined with bonuses to wound and even (currently) a mortal wound strat, these guys will be a long-range delete button. You can probably forego the Biker and Jump Pack dude in the unit because it’ll more than likely be a backfield stationary gun platform in your list. Maybe…

    The “Not-So” Humble Bolter Goon Squad

    DeathwatchIf you plan on going against lighter dudes like Eldar, Tyranid hordes, Tau Fire Warriors, or even GSC, you can also go for a short/mid-range cheap Boltgun unit. We’re going to leave it up to you on picking either the Boltgun or the Storm Bolter. Both are solid now that the Boltgun has more reach but it probably comes down to personal preference.

    Like always, you’ll want to take a Terminator or two for that dank 2+ armor save. But you can also throw in a Biker/Jump Pack unit if you feel froggy too. You’ll be getting closer to the enemy so it might not be a bad idea to have the mobility they offer. On that note, you can load up Vengeance rounds to pop T3 dudes with -2AP guns.

    Sure, the boltguns are only one damage and there’s a growing trend of a 2-wound meta on the way. However, the day that we see a Guardsmen become 2 wounds we can all pack up and go home. Because hordes will always be a potential list that can turn up, it’s good to have a counter to them.

    Luckily, hordes usually have a poo-tier armor save which means that adding -2 AP to a Boltgun should negate everything.  Now that the range is increased on Boltguns and 9th Edition maps are smaller, your guys will have a bigger threat bubble and will be able to proc rapid-fire more easily as a side effect.

    These are just two examples of potential uses of reworked Vanguard Vets in the future. We realize there are so many other nasty combos out there that we can explore with all the tweaks that are on the way!

    Rumors Are 50/50 On Deathwatch Taking the Backseat

    corvus blackstar wal hor deathwatchSome recent rumors also emerged mentioning that Deathwatch are losing their special ammo. Obviously, that’ll be taken as a huge nerf to the faction, but these are still rumors right now. Only time will tell on how legit those rumors are.

    What do you think about the Deathwatch in 9th Edition? Are they going to get even better with extra wounds and better wargear? 

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