RUMORS: The Next 9th Edition 40k Box Set After Indomitus

9th-edition-indomitus-what-is-nextThe Indomitus 40k Box Set is insanely anticipated, but it’s not even a starter set- check out the rumors on what we could see next after Indomitus!

Indomitus pre-orders went live and sold out in only a matter of minutes. While we don’t know exactly how many boxes GW had in the warehouse, the fact the only minutes went by before they were sold out should say something…

With that said, some variation of these models may be re-released later down the line. Check out these past examples of smaller set releases.

What is a “Smaller Set Release”?

Indomitus Skorpekh Destroyers 2First, let’s define what a smaller set release is. Basically, what we mean is that some models from a bigger set are thrown together and repackaged for a lower cost. We’ve seen this done time and time again…The models from Dark Imperium are a prime example.

Dark Imperium $160

40KDarkImperiumENG01Dark Imperium was the first big set release we saw at the start of 8th Edition and had all-new Primaris models with new Death Guard goodies and a rulebook in the form a true starter set.

Indomitus technically is not a Starter set, as GW has even said it was geared towards “veteran players”.

Know No Fear $80

Know No Fear Box SetLater on, we saw a repackaging of about half of the models inside Know no Fear. This had all of the same models from Dark Imperium with units like the Primaris LTs, Primaris Ancient, 5 Intercessors pulled out. The Death Guard half got the same treatment. But look, it was half the cost of Dark Imperium.

First Strike $40

40k First Strike

After Know no Fear, we had First Strike, which is pretty much a quarter of the models that were inside Dark Imperium (or half of what was in Know no Fear). The cost is also half of what Know no Fear was.

Indomitus Release Roadmap: When Will Individual kits Drop?

The point of showing you all of these releases is that GW has repackaged the models from a chief starter set over and over with different content like mats/terrain. Now, with what GW stores have been told to do recently, Indomitus may be getting the same treatment as well.

The Next 9th Edition 40k Box Set After Indomitus?

Indomitus box armiesThe word from Games Workshop store insiders is that they’re being told to paint certain models from both factions inside Indomitus, which sums up to be about half of the box.

Here’s what’s supposed to be painted (and probably showcased) for this weekend:

  • Primaris Captain
  • 5x Assault Marines
  • 3x Bikers
  • Overlord
  • 10x Necron Warriors (and scarabs)
  • 3x Skorpekh Destroyers (and Plasmacyte)

We could make the case that, because their stores will be painting these models, they’ll be showcasing half of what comes in Indomitus currently.  All that could now come in a “Know no Fear-equivalent” release, and then they could even pull half of the models from what they painted and have a showcase-ready set of a First Strike-equivalent release.

Now, keep in mind, there’s not been any word of any kind of repackaging for Indomitus. However, seeing the patterns from the past, we wouldn’t be surprised if there was another 9th Edition 40k box set that is more of a starter.

Indomitus Box Set: PRE ORDER

As of this writing, the price has settled back down on the Indomitus starter set as well, and Amazon currently has a supply marked for release on July 25th with a delivery date of July 30th 2020.

Indomitus box

Indomitus is a phenomenal set. The culmination of some of the best work our miniatures, rules, lore and art teams have ever made, this box takes everything that makes Warhammer 40,000 incredible and puts it in one place. Two huge collections of amazing, brand-new models are packaged with the full Core Book – everything a 40K hobbyist needs to hit the ground running in the new edition. 

We’ve got a pretty good guess on how much value the 9th Edition 40k Idomintus Box Set has inside.

Do you think it’s likely that we’ll see a smaller release of half of Indomitus’ contents in the future? If Indomitus was going to be the only release, wouldn’t GW want their stores to paint up the entire set? 

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