Rumors & Reveals: Space Marines New Release Roadmap

new-gw-releases-primaris-space-marineHellstrike Speeder? Check out this extensive list of rumors and confirmed new Space Marines release kits that should get previews soon!

It goes without saying that we’ll eventually be seeing the units from Indomitus get their own release at some point. But reaching beyond the 9th Edition Box Set, there are still some new exciting models on the way to Space Marines. even if some are still rumors.

Gathering them up in one space, we can check out all the details!

codex space marinesKeep in mind that we don’t know what the codex supplements for main Chapters like Dark Angels, Blood Angels, and Space Wolves will bring exactly. However from everything we’ve gathered, here’s what we can keep our eyes peeled for release-wise.

Rumors & Reveals: Space Marines New Release Roadmap

Invader ATV white


invader atv squadFirst up, we’ve got the Invader ATV and whew, these guys have a chunky statline. With a 14″ Move and 8 Wounds, these little Mario Kart-looking models won’t just roll over for anyone. They are only T5 but a little harasser unit of up to three models per squad can be surprisingly tanky. Looking at the datasheet, these ATVs have the option of taking an onslaught gatling cannon or a multi-melta. If you noticed the rule next to the multi-metla, the text looks to be reworded. You don’t reroll the damage roll if you’re within half-range anymore. Instead, it’s D6+2 damage. It’s also a whopping two shots at 24″ range. Big yikes.

Taking some multi-melta Invaders combined with the tanky hatred that Eradicators are capable of putting out, armor is going to be given a run for its money in the 9th Edition meta.

Overall, these units can be geared toward screen-clearing (with the gatling cannon and twin auto bolt rifles) or tank hunting. When you consider the 14″ Move, these guys will be able to race onto objectives and chase down their targets.

Firestrike Servo Turret

Firestrike Servo-Turret action shot


firestrike servo turret datasheetNow onto the Firestrike Servo Turret. This model moves a massive 3″ (lol) and has a nifty 2+ BS and 2+ Sv. You’ve got the option of taking a 6-shot autocannon or a 4-shot las talon. Once again we have more anti-Primaris firepower OR a gut-wrenching amount of anti-armor firepower. For just 4PL, you can get four las talon shots that hit on a 2+. That’s enough to make a Knight player’s stomach turn.

Hammerfall Drop Turret

hammerfall drop turret 2With the Hammerfall Drop Turret, you’ve got flamers or Heavy Bolters to roll with on the side of the model. Seeing that this thing looks pretty stationary once you place it, you’ll probably get more longevity out of the Heavy Bolters.

So what about the missile rack on the top?

hammerfall missile launcherThe huge weapon emplacement on the top of the model is coming with two profiles to choose from. They both have 72″ Range, but one is designed for making screens have the worst day of their life while the other is geared toward punching through armor.

hammerfall drop turret defensive arrayAs for the latest bit of rules, Defensive Array will play off its shooting capabilities….massively.

These rapid-deployment bastions are the ultimate area-denial assets, as their automated guns blaze away at EVERY ENEMY UNIT WITHIN RANGE. Approach this murder-bunker of doom at your peril!

It looks like you don’t want to come ANYWHERE near this thing. In the shooting phase, it can shoot against every eligible unit. That means that if there are five different units within range of the flamers, those flamers can shoot at every single unit back to back. During Overwatch, it can only shoot at what’s charging it. Notice also, that the profiles are changing for the heavy bolter and flamer array when it overwatches. We don’t know exactly what the baseline stats will be for all the weapons just yet, but the HBs are going to Heavy 6 and flamer array to Heavy 2D6.

Gladiator Tank

Gladiator tankGladiator Lancer

Finally, there’s the newly previewed Gladiator Tank. This looks like a more killy version of an Impulsor that also comes with a wide variety of wargear options.

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Gladiator variant 2Gladiator Reaper

This loadout looks to be all bout hating the boots on the ground.

Gladiator variant 3Gladiator Valiant

The Valiant, on the other hand, looks to be a more mid/close range tank hunter.

Primaris Techmarine

Tech marine in armyYour prayers to the Omnissiah have been answered! One of the most requested units for Space Marines, the Primaris Techmarine is on his way to repair your tanks and tear your foes limb from limb! 

With the signature axe and backpack, there’s no mistaking this character on the field. Not to mention the awesome “Doc Ock” arms that they each come with as well.

Primaris Chaplain on Bike

bike chapWith all the fiery zeal of their foot-slogging counterparts, these warriors exhort nearby battle-brothers to heightened acts of valour and martial prowess. And they look great doing it. 

The new Pramaris Chaplain on a Bike is zooming in to view alongside his other Primaris Bike Brethren.

More Is On the Way Still…

primaris units rumor pic 1If you look at this old rumored picture back from 2019, you can see a perfect matchup of the Gladiator in the bottom left. There are also the new Indomitus Outriders in the top right. On that note, that means there could also be a Primaris Land Speeder-looking model around the corner as well. Although it’s not been officially previewed yet, and is still a new Space Marines rumor.

Space Marine Codex Table of Contents Reveals New Units

Senatte66 on Reddit, took the new Space Marine Table of Contents page out of the Codex preview from July and went all CSI on it. Looks like there are a bunch of new units listed as well as some pics of what look to be new Intercessors. 

space marine table of contentsThe words on the picture are very blurry. However, u/SLsheppard did a few tricks to get a better image, and typed them all out below:

space marine table of contentsThis is a mix of units we’ve had for years as well as units we’ve never even heard of. Go through each column slowly! You’ll even see some of the new space marines rumors units we talked about above like the Gladiator Tank but here’s what we’ve got:


  • Captain with Master-crafted Heavy Bolt Rifle
  • Primaris Chaplain on Bike
  • Primaris Techmarine-Servitors


  • Techmarine-Intercessor Squad
  • Assault Intercessor Squad
  • Heavy Intercessor Squad
  • Company Ancient
  • Primaris Ancient
  • Bladeguard Ancient
  • Veteran Intercessor Squad
  • Bladeguard Veteran Squad
  • Judiciar
  • Outrider Squad
  • Invader ATV Squad
  • Inceptor Squad
  • Storm Speeder Hellstrike


  • Storm Speeder SOMETHING
  • Storm Speeder SOMETHING
  • Eradicator Squad
  • Firestrike Servo Turret
  • Gladiator Lancer
  • Gladiator Reaper
  • Gladiator Valiant
  • Hammerfall Bunker

Land Speeders and Predators have been mentioned with some new names but the Storm Speeder might be the name of that mystery Primaris Speeder in the pixelated image above. With that covered, we need to talk about this Captain with a heavy bolt rifle and Heavy Intercessor Squad.

New Heavy Intercessors Squads Spotted?

Spotted on Imgur from the codex preview, it looks like we might have a first pic or two of a regular Heavy Intercessor and a Primaris Captain with the same weapon.

heavy intercessor 1


heavy intercessor 2


ETBIntercessorSquad01Because the pictures are so blurry, it’s difficult to tell how much bigger, if at all those guns are compared to normal Intercessors. With that said, that Captain model standing next to the Techmarine and Chaplain is definitely a new sculpt. We already have a standard Primaris Captain with a power sword so GW may have given this new guy a special kind of gun. Who knows.

That was a lot to cover but it’s safe to say that the Space Marine support in store for 9th Edition isn’t even close to being over.

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With all of this on the table for Space Marines coming up, it’s an exciting time to be a fan of power armor! Although your wallet may be about to take a beating.

What are your thoughts on these new Space Marines rumors? Are these releases going to fill “gaps” in the Primaris line?

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