FFG’s New Expansion For Star Wars: Armada

Profundity Ship

Fantasy Flight Games previews the upcoming Profundity Expansion Pack for Star Wars: Armada. Let’s take a look at the MC75 crusier!

The latest preview from FFantasy Fight Games features the MC75 cruiser, Profundity. With the Profundity Expansion Pack you can expand your Rebel armadas with these new Mon Calamari ships. The MC75 cruisers belonged to the first generation of warships launched by the Mon Calamari as they escaped from the Imperial occupation of their oceanic homeworld. Armed with a fierce mix of turbolasers, ion cannons, and proton torpedoes, the Profundity was among the first of its kind.

Profundity Expansion pack

MC75 cruisers enter your games of Star Wars: Armada with two distinct ship cards: the MC75 Armored Cruiser and the MC75 Ordnance Cruiser. the front hull armaments for the MC75 cruiser are nearly as powerful as its flank armaments—five attack dice from the front and from both flanks. This Expansion Pack comes with a new commander, who opens the door to cunning strategic choices, starting before you even deploy your fleets.

If Admiral Raddus is the one leading your ships into battle, you may enter the game at a disadvantage in exchange for better positioning later. You can have Raddus choose a ship to set aside. At the start of any round,  you can deploy that ship close to a friendly ship, bringing it straight into the heat of battle and into perfect position to concentrate fire on the weakest part of your opponent’s formation.

MC75 Upgrades

Your attacks become more powerful when you have Caitken and Shollan occupying the Weapons Team upgrade slot on a ship like the MC75 cruiser. They can be used to reroll any number of dice of a single color when you’re making an attack. The MC75 has three dice of the same color from its front and flank hull zones, therefore you can make your attacks more effective. On the other hand, you can use Jyn Erso to fill both your Weapons Team and Offensive Retrofit upgrade slots. If you spend a Squadron command dial or token, you can target an enemy ship with Jyn Erso to shut down your opponent’s plans with raid tokens. Jyn Erso lets you issue two raid tokens to the targeted ship, potentially hamstringing your opponent’s plans to repair his ship or concentrate firepower.

Jyn Erso Profundity

The new ordnance included in the Profundity Expansion Pack also gives you the tools to bring down your foes. A Wide-Area Barrage may be used during any attack, spending a critical hit from a black die to spread your damage across multiple ships. Profundity’s title upgrade lets you choose a small ship with a command value of one and set it aside at the beginning of the game. Then, as with Admiral Raddus, you can bring this ship into play at the start of any round, adding a new attacker to your fleet. The difference is that you may choose to unequip a Commander and an Officer from the Profundity and add them to the ship that you’ve just brought into play.

Profundity title card

Something else you can do is build an entire fleet of Mon Calamari ships and take advantage of their similar design by equipping your “MC” ships with the Mon Calamari Exodus Fleet upgrade. You can use this upgrade to boost your ships’ engineering points and repair your fleet. This can be useful if you have plenty of Mon Calamari ships in your fleet.

Profundity Expansion Pack: $39.95

Profundity Expansion Box

With its powerful ship and cunning commander, the Profundity Expansion Pack for Star Wars™: Armada lends new hope to the rag-tag Rebel fleet. Its miniature pre-painted MC75 star cruiser boasts an impressive array of weapons, armor, and shields, and it comes with two ship cards and fourteen upgrades that feature Admiral Raddus, Jyn Erso, and other notable characters from Rogue One. Together, these crew members and the Profundity Title upgrade allow you to make a wide range of clever adjustments to your overall strategy.

The Profundity Expansion Pack is now available for pre-order online and at your FLGS.

For more on this expansion and Star Wars: Armada, visit Fantasy Flight Games!