RUMORS: New Salamanders Warlord Traits & Ability Rules

By Wesley Floyd | September 21st, 2019 | Categories: Space Marines, Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

vulkan hestan salamander

From the looks of it, most of the rumored Salamanders 40k rules from earlier in may have been slightly off. Here’s something more accurate…

These Warlord Traits and Doctrine ability rules have been spotted making their way through the internet. That being said, they do vary a little from the earlier rumors in the week. 

We also have seen new images of one salamander relic and strat from the same source that seem to lend weight to the accuracy of these rumored warlord traits and doctrine bonus.

Salamanders Doctrine Bonus

Salamanders Feature

Just as we’ve seen the Iron Hands benefit more from the Devastator Doctrine and the Raven Guard, the Tactical Doctrine, the Salamanders are also getting the same treatment:

Promethean Cult:  While the Tactical Doctrine is active when resolving an attack made by a flamer or melta weapon, add 1 to the wound roll.

That’s pretty brutal thinking about Vets with jump packs and flamers. Even at S4, with the +1 to wound bonus they’ll be able to fry screens. We’ll be seeing them wound T3 Guardsmen and Tyranid Gaunts on a 2+.

Salamanders Warlord Traits

salamanders terminators

Salamanders look to be getting six Warlord Traits just like all of the other Chapters along with Adrax and Vulkan having to take a mandatory one. (per usual with named characters in the codex). However, Forge World’s Ashmantle was not mentioned. That being said, if he’s not in the supplement, we may be able to pick our own Warlord Trait for the character Dread.

We had seen some rumored Warlord traits recently pop up across the web, and comparing them to these there are some discrepancies. So it looks like the typed out list from the last round of rumors was slightly incorrect.

Now let’s dive into what looks to be the actual warlord traits.

  • Anvil of Strength: Add 2 to the Strength of your Warlord.
  • Miraculous Constitution: Warlord gains a 6+++ FNP and regens a wound.
  • Never Give Up: Warlord gives Objective Secured to another unit within 6″.
  • Forge Master: Add 2 to the toughness of your Warlord.
  • Lord of Fire: Everyone within 6″ of your Warlord can reroll the number of hits with flame weapons.
  • Patient and Determined: In the shooting phase and fight phase, an attack made by your warlord auto-hits.

Vulkan He’stan Mandatory Trait: Anvil of Strength.

Adrax Agatone Mandatory Trait: Lord of Fire.

Overall, Anvil of Strength seems the most lackluster out of all the Traits as it is from the regular marine book as well. However, there are plenty of other solid options depending on your playstyle. And although Vulkan might have the worst Warlord Trait to pick from, Adrax has a pretty solid one that capitalizes on flamer units being nearby to benefit.

Salamanders New Chapter Relic & Stratagem SPOTTED

salamanders space marines new rulesMore Salamander rules are here! Don’t miss the new relic and hot strategem that may give shooty armies fits going forward in 8th Edition 40k! Read More

What are your thoughts on the Salamanders? Do you think they’ll be on par with the other two Chapters that are coming out first? What’s the best Warlord Trait in your opinion? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter (with discount coupon codes) each morning as well!

About the Author: Wesley Floyd

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Wesley Floyd

Job Title: Staff Writer

Joined: 2018

Socials: @RealmbrushPainting

About Wesley Floyd: Wes has been in the Warhammer hobby since 2015 and joined the Spikey Bits writing team in 2018. He is known for his satirist takes on trending topics and imaginative yet amazingly affordable hobby solutions to painting Warhammer miniatures.

Imperial fanboy, tabletop fanatic, and the self-proclaimed King of Sprues. He knows for a fact that Mephiston red is the best-tasting paint and is the commission painting equivalent of a Wendy’s 4 for $4.  If you like what he writes and want to contact him or have your tabletop minatures painted (to a mostly okayish standard), message him on Instagram.