Inquisition Getting New 40k Rules In November White Dwarf?


Inquisition, like other minor factions in 40k’s universe, are going to be getting the White Dwarf support treatment next. Does that mean new rules?

The Inquisition needs some serious help. With no Troops choice and a requirement to take up an entire detachment in 8th edition, it seems like players are forced to bend over backward for a unit that won’t ever perform as well as the cost demands. However, spotted on Sprues & Brews, there’s a pic of what’s coming next month!

Before we jump into what could be ahead, check out our earlier coverage of what the Inquisition really needs in order to become worth taking again.

The Inquisition had a handful of key units that were seeing play before the second big FAQ messed with the battle-forged rules. Once the FAQ dropped, lists were changed completely and the Inquisition was left in the dust. Let’s take a closer look at what’s going on.

Battle-Forged Dilemma

black templars inquisitor

Remember at the beginning of 8th edition when we saw Imperial soup lists left and right? That’s when an army was considered to be battle forged with just the <Imperium> keyword. Likewise with <Chaos>. Games Workshop stepped in and came out with an FAQ basically negating those keywords. Armies had to pick at least one other keyword besides those two. For example, <Adeptus Astartes> and <heretic Astartes>.

Battle Brothers

When that happened, the Inquisition got stripped from any lists except for the armies running 100% Inquisition. The sucky thing is that the army hasn’t seen any new units for a while (other than HQs) so they aren’t exactly the most competitive. They lack a serious troop choice selection so Battalions are out of the picture.

Why haven’t they fixed it?


Considering the Inquisition can literally do whatever it wants and everyone else has to be okay with it, you’d think Games Workshop would give them a rule saying that the Battle-forged FAQ doesn’t apply to them.

For the longest time, the option of Sisters, Grey Knights, and Inquisition getting updated and thrown back together under one book was on the table. However, with the Sisters codex dropping soon, no word on Grey Knights, and the Sisters of Silence being updated in the White Dwarf, it looks like the Inquisition will remain as a minor faction by itself.

Elucia’s Starstriders Gave False Hopes

elucia vhane


elucia rules

Kill Team: Rogue Trader came out and GW pulled the same move for the Starstriders. Elucidian Starstriders is the Rogue Trader faction but still have the Imperium keyword. You know how many units there are with the <Elucidian Startsriders> keyword? Not too many. If people want to play her or her posse, they’ll have to cough up a detachment slot for a patrol. If they just want Elucia (because she’s really not bad for the points), they’ll have to spend 1CP and a detachment slot to just take her as an auxiliary HQ. Either way, both options are sorely outmatched by plenty of other options.

Inquisition Getting Updated in White Dwarf LATEST

WD inquisition

A snapshot of what’s coming next month was taken and it looks like the Inquisition is next in line! Now, we’ve been seeing White Dwarf updates for some time. Let’s hope it’s like the Officio Assassinorum update and not the Dark Angels “update” if you could even call it that. White Dwarf has shown to be hit-or-miss when it comes to giving factions worthy bonus support.

With all of this being covered, what’s the one thing you hope to see the Inquisition get? Would you like a cheap Troops choice or just the ability to slide them into any Imperium detachment for free?

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