GW Previews More Sisters of Battle Models: LATEST

sister wal hor Adepta Sororitas sisters of battleDon’t miss GW’s latest Sisters preview, and take a look at some of the teasers for models that will not bed coming in their Army Box this November!

Warhammer Community has been steadily giving us preview after preview for units inside and outside of the new Army Set. And with so many models on the way, here’s what we still have to look forward to beyond the initial box itself.

In the wake of seeing the rumored prices and release date for the Army Set, we may not get these releases until 2020 from the looks of it!

Sisters of Battle Retributors


The heavy weapons unit for the Sisters are getting a rework and we have to say we’re pretty happy with the results.

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You might remember the Heavy Bolter from a while back. It was previewed along with a handful of other weapons.


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Retributors are also getting a resculpted Heavy Flamer! But these aren’t just any Heavy Flamers. These are loaded with the classic Sisters iconography and style. From Fleur de Lise and medieval-looking barrel extensions, these girls are looking unique. Plus, from the two pics above, we can see that there’s going to be all kinds of variations between the models.

In addition to multiple options of each weapon type and a Sister Superior to lead them, the Retributors will have a number of head options, including bare, helmeted, or ones equipped with rebreathers – all of which have their own additional flourishes of detail. 

Sisters of Battle Rhino

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On Warhammer Community’s earlier Battle Sister Bulletin, they gave us some painted up minis! Looking at this version of the Deimos Pattern Rhino, there’s plenty of Sororitas iconographies to go around. Using the Horus Heresy-age chassis, this might be a huge hit across 30k and Sisters fans alike.

The heart of the Sororitas Rhino kit will be its upgrade frame, which is chock full of components to dedicate your vehicle to the service of the Sisters of Battle. As well as arched viewing ports for the driver, double-sided doors with embossed details and fleur-de-lys towing lugs, there are loads of other intricate details too.

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Diving into the detail a bit more, the Rhino even has its custom hunter-killer missile launcher showing off a servo-skull targeter and an Imperial golden wing on the side.

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Looking at an alternate aesthetic build to the Sororitas Rhino, you can have a Sister manning the gun who is just an arm’s reach away from a sheathed power sword on the side of the hull.

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{In case of melee, break clasps}

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Another awesome piece of detail is the Sister’s memento mori of a previously fallen Sister.

These morbid reliquaries display the skull of a fallen martyr with one half of the face covered by a ceramic death shroud.

It might not do anything in-game but the fluff behind their transport mini alone is incredible. They’ve definitely put a lot of time into this.

No more Deimos Pattern?

We’re not sure why they look to have abandoned their original designs of a more MK1 type look that they seemed very proud of.

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The new vehicles being designed for the Adepta Sororitas to represent the more antiquated Deimos-pattern Rhino STC. As such, they are flanked by the archetypal circular doors, adorned with the symbolic fleur-de-lys of the Adepta Sororitas.

Another feature of the Deimos-pattern Rhino chassis is that its four large exhausts are only partially clad with armour plating, if at all. 

Sister Hospitaller

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The Hospitaller has loads of interesting details, such as the symbolic doves carrying unfurled scrolls of holy scripture, and the hollow helm (complete with full interior detail!) of the fallen Battle Sister on her scenic base. 

The Sister Hospitaller is looking incredible with one of the biggest character bases we’ve seen the army get. But before we get into all of that, check out the character itself. Coming with a Narthecium on her forearm, she’s posed giving the last rites to a dying Sister. What’s even cooler is she’s got a full-on Apothecary vibe going on with a mechanical medi-arm on her back to assist in bringing the wounded back to their feet.

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With an alternate face option, you can also give her a respirator and have her talk like Bane from Batman.

…Sister Wayne…I see you’ve been shot three times in the torso!

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The amount of detail in this model is insane. From the Sororitas’ helmet lying to the side to spent bullet casings from her bolter, this model is incredible. While Apothecary-type units are something we don’t really see used in competitive play right now, any Sister fan might just have to get one of these for its cool points.

New Cherub Minis Revealed LATEST

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cherubs are set to become a common sight across the upcoming Adepta Sororitas range. Whether they carry sacred texts, scrolls and relics, incensed-wreathed censors, or even the keys to the Simulacrum Imperialis carried by the Battle Sister Squads, they represent wonderfully macabre additions to many of the kits.

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While Cherubs don’t have too much combat prowess, they are a holy symbol of they Imperium and are still found in the frontlines carrying banners, ancient litanies, etc.

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While almost all of these are going to be added to the Sisters for extra Aesthetic taste, a couple will have in-game abilities…

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Armorium Cherubs will still be relevant for the Retributor Squads. Retributors are the Space Marine Devastator equivalent and lug heavy weapons into the heart of the battlefield. With some Cherubs to help them reload and fire again, they’ll be able to maximize their shot output before the enemy has to wipe them out.

Have you missed the latest update on the contents of the Sisters of Battle Army Set? Don’t worry. We’ve got it here for you as well:

GW Confirms Sisters of Battle Army Set Contents With New Preview

sisters of battle army box

With all of this and more coming outside of the army box set itself, when do you think we will see all of these releases hit the shelves?  What’s your favorite new Sculpt for the Sisters?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter (with discount coupon codes) each morning as well!

About the Author: Wesley Floyd

Wesley Floyd headshot

Wesley Floyd

Job Title: Staff Writer

Joined: 2018

Socials: @RealmbrushPainting

About Wesley Floyd: Wes has been in the Warhammer hobby since 2015 and joined the Spikey Bits writing team in 2018. He is known for his satirist takes on trending topics and imaginative yet amazingly affordable hobby solutions to painting Warhammer miniatures.

Imperial fanboy, tabletop fanatic, and the self-proclaimed King of Sprues. He knows for a fact that Mephiston red is the best-tasting paint and is the commission painting equivalent of a Wendy’s 4 for $4.  If you like what he writes and want to contact him or have your tabletop minatures painted (to a mostly okayish standard), message him on Instagram.