A Book Worth Fighting For: Grimoire of True Names LORE

Inquisition bookToday we learn about a mighty book sought after by both the forces of good and evil. Let’s take a look at the Grimoire of True Names.

This book has the true name of some of the most powerful beings in the universe and the imperium wants it badly. Let’s find out why.

Via: Lexicanum


Grimoire of True Names is a book in which is inscribed the true names of all the daemons encountered and recorded by the Ordo Malleus. Knowledge of a daemon’s true name grants some measure of power over that daemon. True names are, however, usually completely alien and very nearly unpronounceable.


A copy of the Grimoire exists within the Warp, where it is of great value for Daemons in battling one another within the realm of Chaos. Whilst a Daemon possesses the tome, he not only has command over his fellows but can also channel the power of the Warp to invigorate and nourish them.


Find Out More About The Grimoire of True Names!