GW Reveals New 40k Ad Mech Rules From Engine War

admech-wlapaperGW just revealed new 40k rules for the Ad Mech that are coming soon in Psychic Awakening Engine War! Check out the latest updates!

Warhammer Community finally revealed some of the rules that are on the way for the new Ad Mech units we’ve seen previewed. While it’s just the tip of the iceberg, all of it looks pretty decent. Here’s what we’ve got on the way.

GW Reveals New 40k Ad Mech Rules From Engine War

admech sulphurhounds


admech sulphurhounds sulphur breathThis is a pretty unique weapon the Sulphurhounds are getting. It’s essentially a -1 AP flamer that ignores cover but can also be shot while in melee with the enemy. Not something that’s necessarily game-breaking. However, your opponents will have to take into account any prolonged combat with them. Especially in a bigger unit where you can get 3D6+ auto hits.

The Sulphurhounds have a special rule that allows you to shoot Pistol weapons even after you’ve Advanced, increasing the threat range of your baleful breath.* This weapon can be used on top of all of the rider’s weapons, and as a Pistol weapon, you can even shoot it in close combat, making it perfect for burning your way through enemy hordes. 

admech serberys cavarly


admech serberys pistolThe Serberys’ sergeant-equivalent model (the alpha) will be getting access to the Archeo-Revolver. This thing puts bolt pistols to shame with a S5 -2Ap 2-damage blast at 12″. That’s not bad at all. The only downside is that you can only have one in a squad. At least, that’s what it’s looking like.

This weapon is carried by the Alpha in a Serberys Raiders unit, meaning that you’ll have the speed to get into the perfect position to shoot down your enemies.

admech pteraxii skystalkers


skystalkers flechette carbineNext, let’s look at what the Skystalkers are getting. This is baller right here- a 24″ assault 5 gun is fantastic. On top of some flying models that’ll probably be able to move 10-12″, this will give you a massive threat bubble. Especially against cheap units that try to be ignored all game and sit on objectives.

The weakest point of the gun is Strength and AP. But a 1CP Strat giving +1 to both of those fields would be dope.

admech pteraxii sterylizors


sterilyzor phosphor torchThe flamer variant of the Skystalkers, the Sterilyzors are getting the same kind of weapon the Sulphurhounds have.  It’s just a longer range and counted as an assault weapon. The best part about this is that these are looking to be 12″ deepstriking flamers.

pteraxii talonsFinally, the Pteraxii aren’t looking to be complete pushovers in combat either. They do have some -1 AP claws and if they charge, they get +1 to the Strength. It’s unclear if they’ll be base S3 or S4 but their basic stat profile will make a big difference in how good these talons are.

Overall, it looks like the Ad Mech is picking up speed with flying/cavalry units. As for the rules, everything seems solid…Nothing too overly strong or weak. But remember, we still have to see a bunch more rules uncovered as we don’t have the first clue of what the Archaeopter rules will look like.

New GW Releases We Could See in May: RUMORS

What do you think about this rules preview? Are the Ad Mech in a better spot than before?

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