GW Fumbles The Ball On More Warhammer Rules (again)

marine wal hor closeGW’s rules errors, which are normally prevalent in 40k lately, seem to have spread to Adeptus Titanicus as well. When will they slow down?

Games Workshop has been on a pretty good streak for their specialist games as far as rules go. Sure, Necromunda’s first book was filled with poor wording among some other minor quirks popping up in others. However, the errors made in GW’s specialist games have never been on the level of 40k (from flat-out characters missing from codexes, wrong Warlord Traits, etc. etc.).

More Proof GW Should Slow Down: Greater Good Updated Already…

Lately, there’s been a trend in Titanicus where errors are popping up on the newest kits’ wargear cards that literally tell us how to play them.

UPDATE: The latest Titanicus FAQ has given a description of the “Bypass” Rule on the Lancer for the Warhound.

adeptus titanicus book shadow and iron

Editor’s Note: Seriously- I hate writing these, I really do. I wish we just lived in a perfect hobby world where our model’s rules just auto-updated and we didn’t have to keep buying supplement after supplement to keep up with rules that are going to change in a few months anyway.

I have to say it. I hate to have to say it… but at this point, there is no way NOT to say it. Games Workshop is literally putting out supplements so fast their editors can’t keep up.

And now it has spread to Titanicus, again…

Two Errors Spotted on the Psi-Titan

titanicus wal warlord psi titan


titanicus psi titan unbox 6Regular Warlord-Release Laser Blasters (LEFT) Psi-Titan Warlord-Release Laser Blasters (RIGHT)

GW’s editors were either at lunch when these wargear cards were printed or there is an errata on the way for the Warlord Titan. Looking at the wargear cards from the earlier Warlord kit release as well as the Psi-Titan release, it looks like there might be a misprint on the Paired Laser Blasters and the Apocalypse Missiles.

The Laser Blasters are all essentially the same except for one crucial feature. At long range with the earlier Warlord, you’re -1 to hit. However, at long range with the Psi-Titan release card, you’re +1 to hit.

So not only do you get +1 to hit, but you’re also able to do it at a much farther distance. This clearly looks to be a misprint so just keep that in mind before you jump into your next game!

apocalypse missile launcher errorImage courtesy of Sepulchre of Heroes

Plus look close at the Apocalypse Missiles from this kit, they are listed here as 5 shots whereas on every other Warlord they are 10 shots. The Reaver Apocalpypse missiles, however, are 5 shots so perhaps this was a copypasta error?

More Errors Come to Titanicus: New Warhound Wargear


titanicus warhound doubleWarhounds are getting the Ursus Claws and Shock Lances added to the list of wargear. However, GW didn’t stop there with the new model previews. They also did a feature on the weapon’s stats (which are also posted in Shadow and Iron).

warhound ursus claw stats 1


warhound shock lance rulesWe’ve covered these weapons earlier as far as stats go- if they get in close, they’re pretty good, especially in numbers. But there are, what looks to be, several misprints across these cards.

  • Bypass: Doesn’t exist as far as we can tell in any Titiancius supplement or the rules book. No clue what it does.
  • We assume there should be a comma after Specialized and Shock on the Lance card. There are entries for Shock, and Specialized separately but not as a combined trait.
  • The fact that this weapon is Specialised means that you can’t bring your weapon back once it’s disabled.

titanicus specialised ruleIt says it clear as day under the Specialised rule from the book. But if you look on the card, it says that the weapon can be repaired on a 3+.

This is a clear contradiction, that may be future-proofed for a repair asset or stratagem in the future. Or it could just be yet a mess up.

Although GW can make some incredible models, their rules writing, especially in the Titanicus department now, seems to have been taken a recent downhill turn.

Hopefully, we’ll be seeing an FAQ for both these and the Psi Titan that corrects what appears to be several mistakes in the new supplement.

What are your thoughts on GW’s recent rules writing trend? Would you prefer if releases slowed down for better rules?

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