GW not only just fixed their recent errors with an Adeptus Titanicus FAQ, they also updated a few rules as well. If you play Tiny Titans, don’t miss all the new changes!
Warhammer Community announced the latest wave of FAQ changes to Adeptus Titanicus just recently. Just as a word of caution, a lot has changed. Because of that, we’ll be going over some of the biggest talking points and highlights. However, if you’ve got an extensive Titanicus collection, you also might want to dig into the FAQ yourself and read over everything.
NEW FAQ! Updates Adeptus Titanicus Warlord Sinister, Blast & More
Starting off with an old weapon mechanic, Blast weapons can still be used even if you’re out of range. If you’re shooting at a target that still is our of your Blast weapon’s reach, you place a blast marker on the table where the total longe-range length of the weapon is. Then, you roll the scatter dice. (Basically, you can still shoot your weapons and have them scatter to other areas, which is some decent utility.
Another change came to Banners in the combat phase. If you’re a fan of running around with smaller models, you can’t smash targets that are bigger than you. Just keep that in mind.
Porphyrions NERF- Knight Acastus
After multiple events heavily restricting to even banning the Acastus from play, GW also made the points go up on basically everything. Plus, you can only have a max of one Acastus Banner when you play your games now.
Warlord Psi-Titan
As for Taxing, this will have a role to play with the new Warlord Sinister Psychic Titan. Watch out for the Psychic war machines trying to get in close.
Image courtesy of Sepulchre of Heroes
Regular Warlord-Release Laser Blasters (LEFT) Psi-Titan Warlord-Release Laser Blasters (RIGHT)
Something we noted earlier, was that the new printings of the Warlord kits had some rules discrepancies from earlier wargear cards. This has since been FAQ’d to match up with those earlier printings.
Ursus Claws & Shock Lance
Another big point to note is that the Bypass rule has been added. It was first missing out of the Warhound preview showing off the new melee weapons (Ursus Claws and Shock Lance). While we didn’t know what it meant at the time, Bypass now ignores void shields and ion shields.
Again, while these are some big changes, there are still plenty for you to read through. Especially if you’re heavily into the game with a broad collection.
What are your overall thoughts on the FAQ changes? Do you like the new way we can use Blast weapons?
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