New Adeptus Titanicus Models Hidden In Plain Sight? Defense of Ryza

titanicus wal horNew previews are here for the Adeptus Titanicus Defense of Ryza supplement and more new titan models may be hidden in plain sight as well!

Warhammer Community revealed the next big release to come to Adeptus Titanicus at the GAMA 2020 expo. By the looks of it, we’re getting a new campaign book and possibly four models.

Keep in mind though we’re still getting used to the new Warlord Psi-Titan, and haven’t even seen the release of the Ursus claws and Shock Lance yet.  If you’re a Tiny Titan collector, you don’t want to miss this!

Gama Expo 2020

gama 2020 walThis year’s GAMA is going on right now in Reno, Nevada. With nights full of games as well as over 150 booths loaded with hobby and tabletop goodies, this event is solid. But in the middle of all the hobby goodness, GW also gave us a hefty preview just before Adepticon.

New Adeptus Titanicus Cerastus Models

Everyone loves Knights. Everyone loves small versions of big things. Thus, it stands to reason that everyone is going to love the latest release for Adeptus Titanicus – teeny tiny versions of the Knight-Acheron and Knight-Castigator!

adeptus titanicus cerastus newFirst off there are at least two new physical models we can enjoy. Titanicus is branching out their Cerastus Class Knights with the Acheron and Castigator. These follow the Lancer that released last year, and all three are already featured on the Cerastus Command Terminal.

Currently, the Adeptus Titanicus Cerastus Box set features a sprue of two Lancers. No word yet on if GW will rework or add a sprue with the Acheron and Castigator bits to the set similar to how the Questoris class got an upgrade sprue of close combat weapons and rocket pods.

cerastus adeptus titanicus

Adeptus Titanicus Defense of Ryza

adeptus titanicus defence of ryza

You’ll have the chance to forge your own legios or master a legendary one from the background, discover more epic titan battles from the Horus Heresy, declare your loyalty or harness new battle standards for your Knight Household – and that’s just scratching the surface! 

Spotted on the cover of Defense of Ryza, we can see what may be some new models hidden in plain sight flanking the Warlord.  This could be a dead giveaway that a new multipart variant kit is also on the way for Forge World’s Questoris Knight upgrades the Mageara (left on the cover) and the Styrix (right on the cover above).

questoris knight Styrix Magaera

We saw the same thing with the Warbringer Titan first featured on the cover of the Shadow and Iron book and then being previewed right behind it!

All of this should definitely be hyping up Titanicus fans. No official release date was dropped, but WHC did tell us that we should keep our eyes peeled for more announcements in the future.

With another campaign book on the way as well as two (potentially FOUR) new Knights, GW is definitely turning up the heat in Titanicus. It’s a way more diverse game now from when it first released with the Grand Master Box Set back in 2018.

Of all these previews, what are you the most excited about? Will you be spamming Cerastus Knights with your Questoris? Or will you be using them as a more elite force to deal with your Warlord Titan’s light work?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!