Two New Sets Sprues For Adeptus Titanicus SPOTTED!

By Wesley Floyd | August 21st, 2018 | Categories: Adeptus Titanicus, Warhammer 40k Rumors

titanicus hor wal

Two titans are left to appear for the initial releases of Adeptus Titanicus. Check out the latest details on the new sprues that were spotted!

Adeptus Titanicus is set in the Horus Heresy and has titans of all different shapes and sizes going to war with each other. The game is extremely in-depth as the player has to worry about facing and shot placement.

Two new Titan models are on the way for the game and there’s even more, to be excited about with it!

Warhound Titan Coming to Titanicus

adtit warhound

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If you cracked open your box of Titanicus, you probably noticed there were some data cards in there that had the Warhound, and Reaver weapon stats on them.

titanicus preview 1

We also know they will be on 80mm bases, because of the arc template for it from the box set.

Two New Sets Sprues For Adeptus Titanicus SPOTTED!

Spotted originally on Battle Bunnies, a user snapped some pics of what looks to be the Warhound still on sprue for Titanicus perhaps at Warhammer Fest. Going by this, it looks like the Warhound Titan is going to be sold in pairs.

titanicus warhound sprue 1

Legs look to be one part. Maybe they are different extensions to help add a little bit more variety.

We can see two separate sets of legs here in the first two sprues, with what appears to be the Reaver titan sprues in the top of the image above and below:

According to the measurement of the arc templates in the rules set, the Reaver appears to be coming on a 105mm x 70mm base! From these images, it appears to be a single box kit, as there are just alternate carapace and shoulders similar to the Warlord Titan configuration.

Two New Sets Sprues For Adeptus Titanicus SPOTTED!

On top of that, there are two separate pairs of plating that are identical for the Warhound.

titanicus warhound sprue 3

Looks like all the current weapon options and two head variants (top right and left of image) will come in the new kits as well.

titanicus warhound sprue 4

We can see the different faction symbols on the Warhound top-plate in the pic above.

As expensive as Titanicus is to get into, there are surely going to be a lot of happy players when they hear Warhounds will be coming in packs of two. We can’t say for certain that this will be the case but these pictures definitely seem to suggest it.

What do you think about Titanicus? Have you tested the weapons for the Warhound yet? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.

titancus wal hor

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